‘Fight, fight, fight!’

According to the left-wing media narrative, we conservatives are the violent ones.

This despite the fact that a Bernie Bro shot up a congressional baseball game, targeting Republicans. Despite the fact that BLM and Antifa burned down multiple American cities during the “mostly peaceful” riots of 2020. Despite the fact that leftist celebrities and media figures have been LARP-ing their “kill Trump” fantasies for going on a decade.

And now, shockingly, after years of urging, someone has finally tried to kill Donald Trump—a young man who was almost certainly, if perhaps unwittingly, a tool of the left—coming within a hair’s breadth of succeeding. But even as the iconic photographs spread like wildfire on social media, of Trump rising bloody but unbowed moments after a bullet grazed his ear, all the legacy media could talk about was his “violent rhetoric.”

And what was it he said, immediately following the attack on his life, that was so beyond the pale? He defiantly surveyed the crowd, pumped his fist, and roared, “Fight, fight, fight!” (One of the more disgusting media outlets originally reported that he yelled the F-word, probably because that’s what they would have done, right after they soiled their pants.)

Of course, we conservatives understand that our candidate was NOT encouraging us to violently attack our political opponents, the way Democrat politicians have been encouraging their followers to do for years. He was telling us not to be intimidated, just as he’s not intimidated, and to continue “fighting”—metaphorically speaking—against…what?

Against what exactly should we be fighting? I can think of several things, but here are three with which to start:

First, we must fight the left’s attempts to weaponize our justice system against conservatives. This systematic effort has been evident not only in the persecution of Trump based on spurious charges and non-crimes but in the harsh penalties imposed on January 6th “insurrectionists,” most of whom, at worst, merely trespassed (if that); in the concerted attempt to punish conservative lawyers pushing for election transparency; and in the recent indictments of harmless pro-life protestors and brave whistle-blowers like Dr. Eithan Haim, who exposed illegal gender “treatments” at Texas Children’s Hospital.

We must fight these extra-legal abominations, first of all, by refusing to back down—declining to allow the threat of criminal or civil action to discourage us from exercising our constitutional rights. We can also fight back by lending financial support, as we’re able to do so, to those who become embroiled in such court battles through no fault of their own. We need brave conservative lawyers to continue stepping up to defend against these acts of lawless “lawfare” along with well-heeled patriots, and even patriots of modest means, to help fund their efforts, which can be expensive.

Secondly, we must fight government censorship. As cases like Missouri v. Biden and Berenson v. Biden (speaking of legal battles) have clearly shown, the federal government has been engaged for at least four years now in indirect censorship of American citizens, pressuring social media companies to remove or stifle opinions and even factual information the government finds inconvenient, in clear violation of the First Amendment.

Here again, we can help fund these legal battles, but the best thing we can do to fight back is simply a refusal to be silent. We must use every means at our disposal, including but not limited to social media, speaking our minds and spreading the truth about Covid, “vaccines,” election rigging, anti-white racism, government ineptitude—you name it. This is the United States of America, where with very few limitations, we can basically say what we want. The best way to preserve that freedom is to use it. They can’t silence all of us.

And thirdly, we must continue fighting—especially at the state and local level—against the ongoing sexualization and “transification” of our children. The nihilistic death cult that is modern leftism would like nothing better than to destroy our children’s future—and the future of our entire civilization—by essentially turning them into non-reproducing drones with serious mental health issues. Well, some on the left would like one thing better, which is to actually have sex with our children. But it’s all part of the same disgusting agenda. The Left, abetted by the government, is coming after our children. They can’t have them.

These are just a few of the many fronts on which we should be fighting—with our words, with our money, and with our non-violent, lawful actions. That is what President Trump was urging us to do, what he demonstrated Saturday night in the face of mortal danger, what he has long been modeling by his own behavior. And if he can fight for us like that, to the point of literally taking a bullet, we can certainly fight for ourselves.

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons\r\n\r\nunaltered

Image: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

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