FBI: fidelity, bravery, integrity?

Our wide open but “secure” borders have allowed innumerable terrorists and spies into the country. “innumerable” because we have no idea how many, who they are or where they are—that is until they turn up trying to infiltrate our military bases. Admiral Daryl Caudle, U.S. Fleet Forces Commander recently noted we’ve been experiencing 2-3 frontal attempts per week on Navy installations alone.

Graphic: Admiral Caudle. Fox News Screenshot.

RussianChineseJordanian, and Iranian military-aged males posing as delivery drivers, students, military history enthusiasts, and tourists are all turned away by some of the most patient, stoic people in the armed forces. Is it any wonder President Trump is keeping Biden's border disaster and all of its consequences at the forefront of his campaign? After all, one of the defining characteristics of a sovereign state is a defined and recognized border.

Obviously, President Biden, or more accurately, his handlers, are to blame for this state of affairs. But what about the FBI? They have some small responsibility for detecting, intercepting and suppressing espionage and terrorism.  One would think their response to this mounting threat would be all-hands-on-deck and damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.

One would think wrongly.

As I noted here at AT on June 13 in FBI housecleaning, the FBI is hard at work investigating fellow agents who might be “politically unreliable:”

Are they investigating people they have reason to believe have betrayed the United States?  People who have violated their oath of office?  People working for hostile foreign governments--spies? People who have committed crimes? No. They’re removing people they consider politically unreliable. You know, Normal Americans, people who take the Constitution and rule of law seriously, people who think something’s wrong when FBI SWAT teams arrest grandmothers at 0500 for praying outside abortion clinics. They’re people who think FBI agents have better things to do than harassing citizens who stood on the grass near the Capital on January 6. Worse, to the FBI’s thinking, they’re people who might speak up about the unethical and illegal actions of superiors.

The FBI is revoking these agent’s security clearances and trying to drive them out, as a new whistleblower is alleging. Obviously this guy must be some MAGA maniac?  Not quite:  

Graphic: Fox News screenshot.

Fox News obtained a complaint sent last week to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and DOJ Inspector General from a whistleblower – a supervisor and a registered Democrat – alleging that the "FBI’s Security Division improperly suspended or revoked employees’ security clearances whose political views, medical views, or even ethnicity were questioned by Security Division leadership."

Is the FBI so over-staffed as to be able to afford to purge special agents suspected of –gasp—harboring conservative views? Apparently so. Shouldn’t any FBI director immediately put a stop to this kind of wasteful and inexcusable abuse of power and public trust? Of course, unless like Christoper Wray, they were installed in that position to allow that kind of abuse of power and trust.

But what about rank and file agents? Shouldn’t they all speak up, rise up, put a stop to what are clearly practices that threaten national security? Shouldn’t they all stand strong for the Constitution and the “fidelity, bravery, integrity” of the FBI motto?

Witness what has happened to whistleblowers and even to agents FBI brass merely suspected of political unreliability.

I’ve long maintained should a desperate government direct the FBI and our military to “pacify” fellow Americans, they wouldn’t get quite the response they expect. To be sure FBI agents are even now going forth to intimidate Americans for daring to speak out against the government. But if things got western, I’d like to believe most FBI agents wouldn’t play along. I’d like to believe that.

Unfortunately, the FBI is limited to recruiting from the human race, and agents have families, mortgages, and pensions about which to worry. It’s clear many of them are appalled by what they’re expected to do, but they do it anyway. They go along to get along in the hope they can eventually retire and be done with it. Some do it because they think they’re going to be on the winning side. Some hang in there in the hope of tempering the worst excesses of their superiors. Some just like having power over others.

Not long ago I had the opportunity to speak with a retired agent, a man out of the game for several decades. His disgust and anger at the current state of his beloved FBI spoke volumes.

Obviously, unless something fundamental is done, and soon, Americans can no longer trust their FBI, an agency that is supposed to serve and protect them, not the interests of a self-imagined elite political class.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

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