Democrats wheeling old Joe off the cliff?

Remember the infamous video ad showing a Paul Ryan look-a-like literally wheeling grandma off a cliff?  It was during the 2012 campaign season and meant to illustrate the supposed cruelty of Republican budget policy.

Well, it took 12 years, but the progressive projection we’ve all become accustomed to finally hit the wall.

Behold, the cover of this morning’s New York Post.



It’s hard to think of a bigger grandparent to throw over a cliff than a sitting president of the United States, but here we are.  We are being told by a variety of legacy media they — House and Senate Democrats — want grandpa gone by Friday, with tomorrow, Tuesday, being a critical day on the way to that cliff’s edge.

You gotta hand it to them, it may take a while, in this case a dozen years, but they always, unfailingly, tell on themselves.

Image: Screen shot from TheAgendaProject video, via YouTube

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