Conservatives must think strategically about Joe and Kamala

Politically, I am an Independent.

I believe that it is possible for any of the political parties to have a good idea. Even the Dems, though not recently. For example, JFK had a good one. The one about your country doing for you or not—whatever, “you know, the thing.”

Then there are the really, really bad ideas.

Some come from hearts of gold despite the potential for self-harm.

For conservatives to favor making abortions illegal, while morally correct, is a political death wish. Aborting a fetus is an activity of Democrats, progressives, and modern “liberals” (collectively, “leftists”). Undoubtedly, the estimated 63 million aborted babies since Roe v Wade would mostly have grown up in leftist households and made things worse and more quickly for the USA had they become voters. To think otherwise is denial—seasoned with a sense of overwhelming love taken to pro-Life action.

Image: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. YouTube screen grab.

Had these future leftists come to fruition, you—the reader, AT, originalist Supremes, 1A, 2A, and just about anything good for the US—would almost certainly never have lasted or been. The system that allows us what is left of our freedom would have been destroyed by now. Thus, the sad irony is that pro-life conservatives love leftist lives more than they love their own. To win, conservatives must first change the culture.

And while we're talking of the leftist death cult, never forget that leftists, unlike conservatives who seek life, want you dead. The differences between them and the authentic Nazis of the Third Reich are:

  • Fewer leftists speak German
  • More worship Allah

Otherwise, pretty much the same, e.g., green culting, gleichschaltung (and here).

It is undeniable that the leftists' only and best solution is violence. For reference, see BLM, Antifa, pro-Hamasniks, mass slaughterers of gays, etc.

So, the death risk of conservatives in trying to save babies dovetails with the wish-you-dead of the leftists.

The abortion debate reminds us that conservatives are often very naïve about how politics work. Recently, the Republicans published their 2024 platform. Some Conservatives howled. Why? Because abortion was left off the platform. AT’s very own Andrea Widburg explained it beautifully. No need to reinvent the wheel. See here for the entire worthwhile read. To over-summarize her essay, I quote:

So why the outrage?

I think this speaks to a deep political naivete that characterizes conservatives on so many issues. They have goals but lack both strategy (the big plan to achieve the goal) and tactics (the specific steps in the plan). In this, they differ greatly from Democrats who, up until they painted themselves in a corner by backing a puppet with dementia, have proven to be exemplary strategists and tacticians.

That same woeful naivete is revealing itself with the Democrats’ inability to hide Joe’s mental state. For nearly 4 years, conservatives have been pounding with the Hammer of Thor the message that Poseur Biden was demented but had job security because his VP was his insurance policy.

Kamala Harris is well-known to be a wilted word salad covered with dummy dressing and with a side of cackling bread.

No conservative wanted her to ascend to the Oval Office. Time and again there were warnings how things could get even worse if Kamala became Poseur in place of Biden.

Keeping her out of the White House was Job One.

However—and this is the weird part—conservatives are demanding to know who kept the Poseur’s “condition” secret, who hid what and when, whose heads will have to roll for keeping this superficial, luminescent “secret” from the public and yadda. Whoever those folks are, they should be thanked. Profusely. Not hunted.

Without their assistance through subterfuge, lies, obfuscation, and necromancy (given Biden’s condition), the deeply awful Kamala Harris would have been coronated by now. Further, the leftists would have had even more time to prepare for November’s election, either by having a longer period to rig it or possibly finding another nominee.

Now, though, the leftists find themselves teetering on their hind legs.

45, no shrinking violet, managed to keep out of the news cycle so the leftists could self-destruct according to their own particular idiom. The rest of the conservatives should do the same.

That would be coherent and in line with prior messaging.

So, really, conservatives, stop looking a(nother) gift donkey in the mouth.

Be consistent. Don’t worry. Be happy. But most of all, keep all eyes and efforts on the prize of winning the two elected branches of government this November.

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