A Biden-Stephanopoulos interview anomaly

Like most followers of political news, I was eager to watch the much-hyped interview with President Biden by ABC News Good Morning America co-anchor and reliable Democrat operative George Stephanopoulos.

But something that occurred in the post-interview analysis by three ABC News heavyweights raised questions which may point to (surprise) a pro-Democrat MSM-Deep State political agenda here.

First, some background. The interview was promoted as premiering on the nightly ABC network newscast that airs live at 6:30 p.m. EDT. Since I’m on the West Coast (three hours earlier than Eastern time), I tried to live stream the ABC nightly newscast. The ABC News website would not allow viewers in the Pacific time zone to stream it, however.

Ultimately, the newscast played only two short clips of the Biden-Stephanopoulos interview, and promoted an 8:00 p.m. EDT/PDT ABC news special that would show the whole thing unedited.

At 4:00 p.m. my time, after the ABC nightly news feed had ended in the Eastern and Central Time zones, the cable news channels were limited to showing the two brief clips from the ABC newscast.

At 8:00 p.m. ET (5:00 p.m. PT), ABC News broadcast the half hour special featuring the complete interview and instant analysis by three ABC News correspondents. I had been monitoring ABC News’s website all day, and finally around 6:00 p.m. PT (after the 8:00 p.m. ET news special with the complete interview had aired) I noticed a link to the complete interview video and a transcript. The ABC News video, at YouTube, featured not only the 22 minute long Biden-Stephanopoulos interview but several minutes of the post-interview analysis as it had aired live on the East Coast.

Keep in mind that the vaunted interview had been embargoed by ABC News, and supposedly no one outside of the network had seen it until it first aired at 8:00 p.m. EDT.

First up in the post-interview analysis was ABC News chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Karl. 


There was nothing in this interview that is calming the nerves of jittery Democrats who fear that Joe Biden is on a trajectory to lose this election to Donald Trump.

Karl went on to report that the interview (which aired only moments earlier) is raising additional concerns among a variety of leading Democrats he supposedly talked to.

Karl then went on to cite a question that Stephanopoulos posed to Biden, to wit how would the president feel if he loses the election to Trump. Biden’s answer was “I’ll feel that I gave it my all and did the best job I know I can do that that’s what this is about.” This Q&A occurred near the end of the interview.

Karl, however, claimed that Biden’s “answer is particularly alarming to some Democrats.” Karl: “A prominent ally of the president responded to me ‘Wow.’”

Next up in the post-interview live analysis was ABC News chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz. It is noteworthy that Raddatz cried on the air live on ABC News when Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 was announced.


George, I’ve talked with a few people and texting with a few people on the Hill and they say it was better than they expected, it wasn’t as bad as they expected, but that’s a pretty low bar, George.

Martha Raddatz

Martha Raddatz on ABC News’ Biden-Stephanopoulos interview special July 5, 2024. Screen shot from ABC News shareable video

The curious thing here is that these ABC News poobahs (the third one was Mary Bruce, ABC News chief White House correspondent) all claimed they had input from a variety of Democrat bigwigs minutes after the interview aired for the first time on the East Coast. Since all of these media individuals – and all of the legacy media MSM – have had it in for Donald Trump since 2016, and have run a media protection racket for President Biden, isn’t it odd that they all seem to have had the time to query top Democrat sources on the impact of Biden’s interview that aired for the first time only moments earlier?

I suspect the MSM and the powers that be (Obama and his minions maybe?) are organizing their forces in the MSM and the political establishment to jettison Joe Biden and to install as the new Democrat presidential candidate someone (Kamala Harris? Michelle Obama?) who can immediately gain the approval of the MSM and give the Dems a better chance of hanging on to power – which obviously is their ultimate goal in Election 2024.

Peter Barry Chowka is a veteran journalist who has covered national politics and other topics for over five decades. His most recent interview on BBC Radio in the U.K. can be listened to here. His web page with links to his work and a bio is http://peter.media. Peter’s extensive American Thinker archive: http://tinyurl.com/pcathinker. His Twitter account is @pchowka.

Screen shot from ABC News shareable video



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