Why should Israel sign on to Biden's hideous ceasefire deal?

Joe Biden has a way of giving ceasefires a bad name.

So when he first proposed his ceasefire bill for Israel and the Hamas terrorists, Hamas and its crummy little ally, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, didn't have much problem signing on.

The ceasefire would be great for them, allowing the to regroup for the next round against Israel. Israel, which by now is winning its war with its hostage rescue, is supposed to forget about that success and just give the terrorists a mulligan.

Now the United Nations Security Council, with the exception of Russia, has signed on, too. (Russia said it didn't have enough information as to what the heck this thing was about.)

Here's what little is known about the bill, according to the Associated Press:

Biden’s May 31 announcement of the new proposal said it would begin with an initial six-week cease-fire and the release of hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from populated areas in Gaza and the return of Palestinian civilians to all areas in the territory.

Phase one also requires the safe distribution of humanitarian assistance “at scale throughout the Gaza Strip,” which Biden said would lead to 600 trucks with aid entering Gaza every day.

In phase two, the resolution says that with the agreement of Israel and Hamas, “a permanent end to hostilities, in exchange for the release of all other hostages still in Gaza, and a full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza” will take place.

Phase three would launch “a major multi-year reconstruction plan for Gaza and the return of the remains of any deceased hostages still in Gaza to their families.”

The Guardian has a more detailed version of the plan:

The UN security council has adopted a resolution calling for Hamas to agree to a three-phase hostage-for-ceasefire proposal outlined by Joe Biden, the first time the body has endorsed a comprehensive peace deal to end the Gaza war.

The plan calls for an initial exchange of elderly, sick or female hostages for Palestinian detainees held by Israel during an initial six-week ceasefire. That would evolve into a permanent end to hostilities and the release of all hostages in a second phase that would be negotiated by the two parties and US, Qatari and Egyptian mediators.

A third phase would involve a major reconstruction effort. The UN has estimated that half of all buildings in Gaza have been destroyed by Israeli bombar[da]ment.

Why Israel, which just won back some of its hostages through military strength, should sign onto this makes no sense whatsoever.

There's not a word about security guarantees for Israel in it to start. If Hamas attacks again, well, Hamas attacks again. The U.N. will issue a stern warning

As for the hostage exchange, that's nonsense, the Israeli hostages are innocent civilians. The Hamas militants sitting in jails are there for terrorism offenses. Releasing thousands of Palestinian terrorists would just free them up to strike again at Israelis and Israeli targets, which they have already said they would do. No promises to remain peaceful from them? Not even that much, no promises at all, not that they understand the honor system in any case. Color it done that they will engage in more terrorism.

And Hamas has already shown what it's about -- rape, torture, and murder. Should Israel be out freeing rapists to rape again? Killers and torturers to do again what they said they would do again? Rapists, killers, torturers, and losers with 'woman issues' belong in jail, not out on the streets. These weren't just war crimes, these were crime crimes. Those who commit rape and kidnapping and looting and baby murder shouldn't come crying to anyone with civilized values that they don't like the punishment. Guys like this have to be in jail or civilization itself is in danger.

Nobody should be forced to agree to letting these monsters out.

What's more, the thugs still in Gaza need to be rubbed out for what they did. There needs to be some kind of punishment for this kind of behavior or They Will Do It Again.

This agreement would leave the rapists and murderers of Israelis fully ensconced in power, proud of their perverse and sickening deeds, respected citizens on the world stage, as if they even wanted to be that. 'No justice, no peace,' as the lefties like to say otherwise. All they will do is plot new ways to kill Israelis.

There shouldn't be any agreement at all until we hear Hamas's apology and promise to not Do It Again, just for starters, along with acknowledging Israel's right to exist, which isn't part of that deal at all and needs to be point one.

That Hamas would be allowed to remain in place and in power at all is an outrage all by itself.

But with billions and billions coming in as aid from the West, they'll have even more money and resources to rebuild their war machine for another go. The deal makes no mention of the fact that Hamas steals all the aid and either sells it at inflated prices to Palestinians for gun money or eats it itself as the sea of beer guts from captured Hamas fighters indicates.

The West is uniquely inept at distributing aid, as the COVID fraud shows us, and now it will be even more inept as large amounts of money roll in.

That's the story of the ridiculous Joe Biden pier which fell apart and all the tunnels to Egypt discovered -- that all the aid had been stolen -- and it will be even worse if mass quantities of aid and Western dollars, along with corrupt money-filled UN agencies and NGOs employing Hamas terrorist hostage holders empowers Hamas with fresh Western billions.

Haven't we seen this movie before? What is this agreement going to do to stop it?

Gaza should be offered zero aid and told to free its markets as a condition for a ceasefire. If they want money, they will need to work for it, which will change that culture fast. A vast aid empire will only corrupt the people and accumulate to Hamas to be used to fuel its war machine, as it did in the past.

It's as if Biden has never learned from the recent past about all the previous ceasefires and where they led, and now just wants to force Israel to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again the way he does on the U.S. political front, ultimately insisting that Israel not win its war against terrorism.

Israeli is winning its war, and its focus is rightly on destroying Hamas. That's the only possible solution at this point, Hamas blew all of its other chances.

Why is it in anyone's interest to allow these brutes to remain in power, or for that matter, out of jail? Hamas created a 9/11 in Israel with its murder of 1,200 people and when this happened in the U.S. on 9/11, the U.S. rightly responded with a vow to destroy al-Qaida. After a wretched decade of fighting, it finally did. ISIS did the same, and went off the lemming cliff after them. Now it's Hamas's turn. Let these ogres meet the same fate as al-Qaida and ISIS. There doesn't seem to be any other way of getting rid of this kind of scourge and Israel knows it.

Joe Biden, who tried to stop the bin Laden raid, and the Ruritanian satraps at the United Nations, do not. Israel should say to hell with this ceasefire and invite the fools to talk after they have taken care of business with Hamas and gotten all of their hostages back with lots of dead Hamas thugs laying around to rot.

Image: Screen shot from Sky News video, via YouTube



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