When Republicans whine about Trump’s ‘character’

Paul Ryan says he won’t vote for Trump because of his character.  That means he and other NeverTrumps are glad to accept Biden for another four years because their vote could defeat Trump, which is their goal.  I have never heard Ryan talk about Biden’s character. 

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan, meanwhile, recently said he’ll write in the name of a different Republican on his 2024 ballot. “Character is too important to me, and it’s a job that requires the kind of character [Trump] just doesn’t have,” the former Wisconsin congressman said last month.

So I would ask Ryan to explain how the following things that Biden has done, or said, show that he has good character:

He took his son around the World collecting kickbacks for the Biden family. 

He lied to the public continuously that he never had any involvement with his son’s business dealings. 

He intentionally lied to the public that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation. 

He continually lies about his personal biography. 

He continually lies about what Trump said in Charlottesville to gin up racial hate and division. 

He continually lies about what Trump said about soldiers. 

He clearly supports abortion on demand because he won’t support any limits. 

He illegally took and mishandled classified documents and shared them with a ghostwriter. 

He has an attorney general who targets Catholics, pro-lifers, parents, and Trump-supporters. 

Obama and Biden had a Justice Department that lied to the FISA court and illegally spied on people surrounding Trump. 

He has no compassion for the families of soldiers who died in Afghanistan. 

He clearly doesn’t care about the people of East Palestine, Ohio. 

He supports Iran, which pledges death to Israel and death to America.  He has built up the finances of terrorists while he lectures Israel. 

He dictatorially and unconstitutionally pays off student loans.  That is pure abuse of power.

He is willing to destroy the poor and middle class as he gives massive kickbacks to green pushers.  Not once has he shown any scientific data to link temperatures to oil consumption because there is none. 

He was willing to destroy children by keeping them out of schools at the behest of political supporters. 

He fired people who wanted to exercise their freedom not to take a vaccine. 

He is willing to block poor and minority children from going to better schools because he kowtows to political supporters. 

He refuses to abide by his oath of office to enforce immigration laws. 

I am sure people could come up with many more examples of the bad character of Biden.

But Trump paid a nuisance $130,000 and coded payments to an attorney as legal fees.  What a crime!  He also challenged an election, just as Democrats have done in many elections.  He also told people to walk peacefully and patriotically to the Capitol while Pelosi failed to secure the Capitol, and that is her job. 

Just think: Hillary and the DNC did opposition research far and wide on Trump, and all they could come up with was the fictional Russian dossier. 

So I would ask Ryan and all the people who will gladly have Biden win another four years in office exactly what about Biden’s character is admirable. 

As for me, I will enthusiastically support Trump, who supports American strength and safety and giving power, money, and freedom back to the people, over Biden or any other Democrat, whose goal is to make the government more powerful and to make as many people dependent on the government as possible. 

<p><i>Image: Gage Skidmore via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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