Vote for the convicted felon

Would you vote for a convicted felon like Trump? Earlier polls had mixed results, indicating only marginal changes in voting behavior after a conviction. But now it’s a done misdeed, indications are that a vast majority will answer “yes.”

Actually, while by no means “scientific,” the response to this informal poll conducted by Kenny Polcari of Slatestone Wealth management, can be described as “hell, yes!”

And why not? It sure is more transparent than voting for an untried and unconvicted criminal like Clinton or Joe Biden.

Trump is about the most investigated politician ever -- we know what we’re getting. But Biden is a dark and dirty politician whose riches are incommensurate with his salary. He relishes reminding us of his working-class background, so I doubt he inherited much, either.

It’s highly likely the verdict will be overturned (after the election), but in the meantime Trump really can wear his conviction as a badge of honor. This is not a Panglossian mindset -- consider that FDR is reputed to have said, “I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.” By that standard, we should judge Trump very favorably indeed.

In addition to informal polls, there’s more evidence that people are judging the convicted felon very favorably -- his campaign is raking in the dough hand over fist. Even his donor website was overwhelmed, crashing amidst the frenzy of contributions.

So vote for a convicted felon? When that conviction was literally concocted by corrupt prosecutors and a conflicted judge leveraging a rigged system orchestrated by his political opponents -- hell yes! Actually, Trump’s legal status vaults him into good company.

But vote for an unconvicted criminal (and useful idiot for the leftists who hate America) who escaped charges because he’s a pathetic idiot -- hell no! I’d like to repeat that: Joe Biden is a pathetic idiot, allowing evil intentions to riddle his soul.

Respectfully, I have one minor issue with some of Trump’s surrogates taking to the airwaves following the travesty of injustice. While Trump is onto something in asserting the final verdict will come on November 5th, his supporters would wisely tweak the message. After all, there could be inclement weather that day.

I hope, with new leadership at the RNC, that we’ve learned our lesson: get out the vote, and do it early. The final verdict will culminate on November 5th (or maybe early hours of November 6th), but it will develop, and, hopefully, snowball, beginning with early voting.

Don’t trust the weather. Don’t trust the Dems election fiddling as they engage in vote harvesting. Put your trust in a convicted felon, voting for him as early as possible. Hell, yeah!

Image: Defense Visual Information Distribution Service

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