The times they are a-changin’

Who knew that we’d be singing Dylan’s tune about the times changing and young people dissatisfied with the left.  Yes, the times are changing and it’s not what the Democrats were planning.

This is from Jeremy Etelson:

The generation that was raised during the global financial crisis and the onsets of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars has been a stalwart for the Democratic Party for over a decade. I was knocking doors for President Obama and local Democrats in 2012 even before I could vote.

I served as a College Democrats chapter president through the 2016 election cycle, and then voted for President Biden in 2020. In 2024, less than four years into the Biden administration, the world and our country have entered alarming trajectories. If Biden is nominated for reelection, he will be the first Democratic nominee whom I do not support.

In the article, Etelson outlines the details of his disenchantment, from wars overseas to a bad economy and a border out of control.    

What I find fascinating is that the author is blaming President Biden directly for these ailments.  He blames the president for what he did and did not do, such as failing to really address climate change or codify same sex marriage.

It’s like Etelson no longer trusts the old generation of Democrats who told him what he wanted to hear.  I guess the question is how many of these young people are staying home or looking for another candidate?

Well, we close by quoting Dylan himself:

Your old road is rapidly agin’

Please get out of the new one

If you cant lend your hand

For the times they are a-changin

Indeed they are.  

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