The Hunter Biden trial has got me thinking...

America has gone from one show trial with a predetermined outcome to another one, and I have thoughts.

One of the most surprising things I learned from the coverage of the Hunter Biden trial is that Hunter Biden has a wife, who has been in attendance at the trial! I’m not talking about his ex-wife, to whom he was married for 20 years and who is among those testifying; I’m talking about his current wife, to whom he’s been married since 2019.

The revelation that Hunter is currently married naturally inspired me to ask myself, “What self-respecting woman would remain married to Hunter Biden, given his proclivities and his history (like, for example, his fondness for videoing himself cavorting with prostitutes)?” But then I realized that the very premise of my question was patently flawed…

Image: Hunter Biden arrives for his trial. YouTube screen grab.

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The trial is predicated on Hunter having allegedly committed perjury on a federal gun purchase form. The sheer hypocrisy of Hunter owning a gun, when his father has expressed his firm belief that ordinary citizens possess neither the need nor the right to do so, appears to have gone unnoticed by all the reporters. But then, the Bidens have never been ordinary citizens.

(Correction: Joe Biden does believe that the only firearm ordinary citizens have need of is a double-barreled shotgun, which he advises them to fire into the air off their balcony to frighten marauders; see the original quote here, and a creative musical send-up of it here.)

Hunter Biden’s defense may be based on the claim that he was not using illegal drugs at the very moment that he filled out and signed the federal form. I can’t help but be reminded of Bill Clinton’s contorted arguments over the definitions of “sexual relations” or the word “alone” or even the word “is.”

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Both China Joe and Doctor Jill have spoken of their great and enduring love for their son, and their admiration for how he has so courageously fought addiction. (The implication seems to be that they’re referring to his drug addiction, not his sex addiction, but who knows?)

They speak of addiction as if it’s something that strikes a person from out of nowhere, at random, like a wildcat hiding in a tree that pounces upon an unsuspecting hiker.

But that’s not how drug addiction works, and “victims” of such addiction are not innocent passersby who are randomly targeted; they become addicts as a result of specific actions and behaviors they have committed under their own free will. This also seems to have gone unnoticed amidst all the caterwauling of sympathy for Hunter Biden and praise for how he has been so very brave in dealing with his addiction.

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When Hunter’s dad was questioned about any involvement in the mélange of charges brought against Donald Trump (questions inspired, perhaps, by revelations that Matthew Colangelo left his position as a senior official in the Biden administration’s Dept. of Justice to serve as a leading attorney under Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg), Joe Biden steadfastly denied that he had ever discussed the prosecution of Donald Trump with anyone. “Right!” I thought, “in precisely the same way that he and Hunter had never discussed Hunter’s various international business dealings!”

(Those business dealings, for anyone who may have forgotten, involve Hunter being bountifully compensated by foreign governments, ostensibly for his expertise in the petroleum and natural gas business.)

And that observation led me to conclude that Donald Trump was clearly guilty, in precisely the same way that O.J. Simpson was clearly innocent!

By the way, the Democrat spin machine (aided and abetted by its obsequious press lackeys) has gone into overdrive to label speculation about Colangelo’s involvement in the lawfare waged against Trump as nothing more than a “conspiracy theory.” Right! In precisely the same way that accusations of Hillary Clinton’s involvement in various scandals are all nothing more than conspiracy theories!

Note: If you’re interested in my other essays about Hunter Biden, you can find them here, here, and here.

Stu Tarlowe, a septuagenarian who is still not entirely sure what he wants to be when he grows up, is a college drop-out who learned English spelling, punctuation, grammar and syntax in the NYC Public Schools. Since 2010 he has contributed well over 150 pieces to American Thinker. For some 15 years, he was the personal editor for the late Barry Farber; more recently, he was a staff writer for a magazine forecasting political and societal trends, but when he had to be hospitalized for COVID, he was replaced. Now recovered, he writes on a variety of topics (political and personal) in his newsletter at and is seeking another gig as a writer/editor/proofreader. He also continues to threaten to write a memoir of his years as a Boardwalk Pitchman.

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