The current trend of deeply annoying movie music

If you do any amount of movie or TV series streaming via Netflix, Prime or other channels, you may have noticed a truly annoying trend of loud, inappropriate songs in the background of what you’re watching.

The singers are almost always bad and the lyrics almost always totally wrong for the content of the movie or series you're watching. I was watching a murder-mystery thriller movie on Prime and suddenly a soundtracker bursts into loud, raucous songs about something utterly unrelated to the plot. I have noticed this trend mostly in the last five years but lately, it has been enough to make me hit the mute button.

A good example of this is the Prime TV series, "Outer Range," a truly horrible, pointless offering.

It is a supernatural, time-warp (I think – you never find out) series about a hole in the range. People and items fall into it and sometimes they come back. The plot is as dense as Kamala Harris; you have no idea what is being said and you come to care even less very quickly. The music is jarring. Lots of supposed rock music is being screeched into calm scenes or "scary" scenes (it's not scary – it's just silly) and one is left wondering why Josh Brolin lent his name to this dog. Maybe his stepmother made him do it. She's as brilliant as Kamala.

I don't know why producers think loud music sound tracks are a good idea. It's an unfathomably stupid idea because it distracts the viewer from the plot of the film. Maybe that's the point. Maybe the plots are so bad that any distraction is considered desirable.

Or maybe we have a bunch of incompetent DEI-created music directors making these films. Whatever. Imagine watching Casablanca with country music in the background. With lyrics. Or imagine watching Ben Hur with hard rock music. Or imagine seeing "Downton Abbey" with a rap soundtrack. That is how jarring movie soundtracks have become. It's a nasty trend that rips enjoyment of a good plot away from the viewer, demanding attention to the inappropriate. That is, whenever you can find a good plot.

Demanding we pay attention to that which we would rather not is a leftist trend we normals have had to endure for these last four years at least.

Hollywood being far left has attempted to shove gay, trans, climate nonsense, Drag, DEI, and communism down our throats. They have demanded we put up with bearded, gowned Disneyworld offerings. They have demanded our military become a global climate nanny.

They have demanded we endure (and hire) incompetent college graduates. They have demanded we buy electric cars we don't want. They have demanded we accept drag queens reading sexually-charged books to little kids. They have demanded we do a myriad of things we want nothing to do with. They have demanded they take our children. And now, our ears are assaulted by unrelated, loud, profane songs that are inappropriate to the content of the movie we're watching.

The left cannot get past their deeply ingrained desire to dominate and control. "Watch our movie and eat this detritus while you're doing it" is how it feels to this average movie-watcher.

Yes, I can stop watching. After all, I do read a lot and could just do more of it. But now and then, an exciting or clever, or brilliant plot is a nice change. All I'm getting is dreck, with few exceptions.

What would I tell movie producers?

Stop injecting inappropriate, profane and loud music into your movies and TV series. It's not edgy. It's not clever. It's not even brilliant. It's just annoying and it proves my suspicion that Hollywood has run out of originality and great directors.

Music is supposed to enhance the plot. It isn't supposed to distract from it. Are there no producers of original music soundtracks that don't make you want to pour seltzer in your ears?

Image: Mgalbavy, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED

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