No more than spectators?

The world has always been divided between decent and indecent, good and evil. Throughout history a battle has raged pitting the noble against the ignoble. All great literature is basically an illustration of the tension involved between the creative and destructive forces at work in society. Civilization itself is a creation of the noble and virtuous side of man. The first and most impressive works of any civilization are the churches, the places of worship, the architectural wonders that reflect a social yearning to please a benevolent God. All great civilizations represent the triumph of a social order bound by a common religion that acknowledges the flawed nature of man and seeks redemption from a Creator.

Oswald Spengler’s epic work The Decline of the West makes the point that all civilizations are organic outgrowths of a specific landscape and as mortal as any plant or animal. He identifies the stages of birth, growth, maturity, and decay in the Greco/Roman, Egyptian, and Chinese civilizations that preceded our Western civilization and predicted with eerie accuracy what we face today at the end of our civilization. He was most prescient with his forecast that the edifice of Western civilization would come crashing down under the weight of race hatred and class envy.

Today we are witnessing the final stages of Western civilization. The agents of destruction (the Marxist Left) have seized control of all levers of power, social and institutional. One after another the avenues of redress of grievances have been shut down. Academia and the press, as well as Hollywood, have reshaped public opinion. The system of checks and balances, so precious to our freedom, has been dissolved into an all-powerful executive branch. The legislative branch is mere window dressing much like the Roman Senate under Caesar while the judicial branch has become another bureaucracy accountable only to the executive.

The Marxist Left feels no need to hide its true intentions of fundamentally transforming our constitutional republic into a communist welfare state. The mask has come off because the transformation is complete. Political prisoners are held without trial while rival politicians are victims of show trials. The FBI, CIA, Justice and State departments are mere toys in the hand of the executive. The Supreme Court is neutered by outright physical threats from the unchecked mob.

And so, the decent folks are left with some marginal media on fringes to get their message out. These outlets pose no threat to the Marxist juggernaut that has captured all the levers of power. The few voices of opposition are just that, voices in the wilderness. They have been shunted to the sidelines. Scribble away from the sidelines as they may they can only point to the egregious corruption that has overwhelmed the once noble system. The are an echo chamber of “resistance” that pose no threat whatsoever to the powers that be. The principal power resides in the hands of Barack Hussein Obama. He is the puppet master and might as well be a shadow monarch. The words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe sum it up very clearly.

In his Maxims and Reflections #969 he says “What Monarchs publish in newspapers doesn’t read well for power should act not talk. What liberals put forward is always readable; for if a man has been defeated because he cannot act, he at least wants to air his views by talking. “Let them sing if only they pay up” said Mazarin when he was shown satirical songs about a new tax.”

So be it.

Image: Pexels/Erofili Charkoftaki

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