Mr. Biden goes to Paris, where European ‘wisdom’ is devolving, again

The smug EU is losing ground as its member nations turn increasingly conservative and, oh dear, “nationalist.” So-called climate change is rumored to soon take a backseat to the daily survival needs of the European citizenry and its huge illegal/legal migrant populations. Centuries (see the Protestant Reformation and the destruction of a Europe built by the Benedictines) of persecution of the old morality—involving a Judeo-Christian way of life and in support of the family—have long gone unacknowledged in European intellectual circles, but now we see some karma coming for that unapologetic stance.

The destruction of rural life—especially farming across the board in England and the continent—has forced the hand of the migration advocates on the end-times price of illegal migration as being soon, starvation, and chaos.  Britain has not yet discovered the cojones to throw the EU’s Court to the curb and still labors under its exacting, woke, greedy tyranny, years post-Brexit.

The old, tired, and overwhelmingly quaintly useless cliches of protesting liberalism and now radicalism (that have been and are almost universally adopted by the European and British press) are feeling the strain of grotesque failures in the fabric of so-called “Western” society abroad. Mostly white, youngish, and some brown, people roam the night streets of London barely clad and drunk/stoned.  Knife violence in London is an everyday reality and effectively sanctioned by its awful Muslim mayor.  There have been hugely popular riots against the highly tenacious Emmanuel Macron for years, though mostly ignored by him, but now he has been forced to call elections and dismiss the Parliament. Rishi Sunak, PM of Great Britain, has likewise been forced to call for new elections, today.  The BBC’s coverage of everything is a woke joke, and a very expensive, taxed one for the British public.

Long-term national western military alliances, involving the U.S. and Europe, teeter on the brink of dissolution and/or irrelevancy while the laughable UN, WHO, EU, NGOs, etc. (bureaucratic/elite) mutter about Russian nuclear aggression, sympathize with Palestinian terrorists, and applaud terrorist nations as they attain final nuclear capability.

The Biden “Ukraine effect” (one of new citizen-poverty for those taxed to underwrite Zelensky’s fever—and, more furtively, the expansion of Arab and Chinese dominance—is applauded and nurtured in a weak and frightened Europe. These Western nations, centuries ago, lost their moral compass, as their monastic communities, and thus village agricultural culture and churches, were put to death and burnt to the ground by a King of Empire who lusted after a new wife.

Does the United States want to continue to emulate this hideous social disaffection across the pond? Have we forgotten why we came to America in the first place? Both “climate change” and illegal immigration started over there; why must we devolve with them?

Biden, this past week in France, called that nation our oldest friend. Quite an admission—read historical lie—for an Irish guy.  He also said, while in London, that the past Queen of England, the ineluctable war heroine Elizabeth, reminded him exactly of his own mother. Who knew?

My father was in Paris for its liberation. From our tanks, he saw the children in the streets—begging for American chocolates and cigarettes. He was also among those landing in  Normandy on D-Day.  Almost all his friends in the Army died in WWII. He never talked about the war, ever, after he came home. I think he would say that America was the greatest friend that France has ever had; clearly not vice versa.

But then, Biden never gets it right—past or present. Ever.

Image from X.

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