Memories of Cuba ‘62?

The Russians are coming, and I don’t mean that movie from the 1960s with Carl Reiner, Eva Marie Saint, and Alan Arkin.  Back then, the Russians showed up in a coastal town.  This week, their warships showed up in Cuba, not far from Miami.

This is the story:

The U.S. Navy has deployed warships and aircraft to track a Russian naval flotilla after the Russian vessels sailed less than 30 miles off South Florida’s coast on Tuesday, U.S. officials told McClatchy and the Miami Herald.

Last week, Moscow sent three ships and a nuclear-powered submarine to the Caribbean for what U.S. officials say will be a set of extensive military air and naval exercises — the first of their kind in at least five years.

Military exercises?

Many years ago, there were Soviet ships, trucks, and soldiers in Cuba.  Then came the Missile Crisis, and we thought that the days of foreign military services 90 miles from Key West were history.

We guessed wrong.  So what’s going on, or “¿Qué pasa?” as my Cuban parents used to say.

First, this is not really a military plan; the Russians or Cubans are not really sending a military message.

Second, this is in your eye, Joe Biden.  The message here is no one fears Biden and we don’t either.  Hello Russian nuclear submarine.

So where is the White House in all of this?  I have not heard anything other than Trump being a threat to our democracy.

P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.

USSR Post, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Image: Public domain.

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