Libertarians: Vote for Trump with your eyes open

After the travesty of justice so evident in New York, and in America for years, and if for no other reason than to show the left that it cannot prevail, I hope Trump can win the Libertarians and the independent vote.  But Trump and MAGA need a dose of reality.

First, MAGA can’t carry the day; they don’t have enough votes.  Therefore, Trump needs to talk the language of the middle road.  Some articles don’t really help Trump understand what motivates the independent, the middle, and the Libertarian voters.  

Trump did some good during his presidency and some bad.  Economically, he did much better than any president since Clinton’s second term, with Newt Gingrich as speaker.  Compared to Biden’s economy, the Trump economy was excellent.  If Trump shows well, it’s as much because the problems of Biden’s term are so terrible, not necessarily because Trump is so great.  (And if folks think that’s blasphemy, maybe they should re-examine their adoration.)  Trump is a unique person, but still just a person. 

We haven’t had a president who deeply understood the founding principles since Reagan.  Trump is no Reagan.

A free economy is the foundation of individual freedom.  One cannot be free if he cannot own property (intellectual and physical).  But to say any government entity or federal employee gave us a free economy is absurd.  Yet that is what the uninformed on both sides continually insinuate.  Politicians are comfortable telling us the good they will do in office, and it always devolves into another bill, more appropriation, and more spending.  That is why many differentiate no longer between R and D, but rather between big-government and limited-government politicians.  Trump should try to understand the restriction placed on government by the Constitution.  Then he could speak the language of the independent voter.

A government can help economic activity only by staying out of our business.  Period.  That is the whole point of freedom — it’s freedom from our own government.  Our government’s sole purpose is to protect the rights of the individual by following the Constitution.

In the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.”  The truth is that individuals were given freedom by our creator, not by any government yahoo. 

Trump is one of only two choices we have.  The fact that the ever-bigger-government left hates him so much strongly suggests that leftists fear Trump.  Therefore, he is on the right track.  The fact that a leftist population and N.Y. justice system would warp the concept of law to such an extreme tells me that they are the real danger to freedom.  The left is making the decision for us.  We cannot allow this tyranny to exist in America.

I don’t assume that Trump knows the reasons for our nation’s founding.  But for the interim, we will have to live with that and, one hopes, vote for Trump, or at least against Biden.

Trump is not the anointed one, and those who adore him are making a mistake.  Trump, like all presidents, is a placeholder.  We all are.  Our sole purpose in politics is to protect, preserve, and pass on the founding principles of our nation — especially the sanctity of the individual — for future generations.

This includes calling Trump out when he uses government against its prime directive to protect the rights of the individual.  The rule of law is more important than any president, and that rule is defined by the Constitution.  When the rule of law is subservient to one political party, we have tyranny.  Make your choice wisely.  Please.

Jay Davidson is founder and CEO of a commercial bank.  He is a student of the Austrian School of Economics and a dedicated capitalist.  He believes that there is a direct connection joining individual right and responsibility, our Constitution, capitalism, and the intent of our Creator.

<p><em>Image: Gage Skidmore via <a  data-cke-saved-href=


Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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