Leftism is a faith, and the proselytizing never stops

The Democrats are up in arms because the Ten Commandments are scheduled to appear on the walls of public school classrooms in Louisiana. This, they claim, violates the separation of church and state that the Constitution never called for. (The Constitution says that the federal government cannot establish an official religion, nor can it interfere with people practicing their faith...by which it meant Biblical faith.) Meanwhile, we’re all unwilling congregants in the Church of Leftism. That’s because leftists relentlessly insert their faith into everything. Climate change is in every weather report, and the other shibboleths (racism, homophobia, etc.) show up everywhere else, especially things meant to entertain.

Let’s start with weather. It’s summer and, in parts of the U.S., it’s hot because that’s what happens in the Northern Hemisphere during the summer.

So, again, normal. But you’d never know that when the media and political class get through with it. That’s because they relentlessly drag “climate change” into every weather observation.

Here in the Southeast, beginning from June through August, temperatures average in the 80s, frequently peaking in the 90s by late afternoon. July is the hottest month, so it’s not unreasonable to get spikes at the end of June. However, for one Charleston news outlet, normal weather is still a time for climate panic:

With highs set to reach the mid-90s next week and the heat index reaching triple digits, the American Red Cross says there are measures South Carolinians can take to stay safe in extreme temperatures.

With hot days and heat waves becoming more frequent and more intense because of climate change, people need to be aware of the risks posed by the heat and how to avoid them. (Emphasis mine.)

No, just no. This is not climate change. This is summer in the Southeast. There are variations and heat waves. There are weather cycles on a relentless solar timetable. (And as Anony Mee has written here, while we are in a short cyclical spike of rising temperatures, the bigger trend is that we’re heading into a Grand Solar Minimum.)

Chris Martz’s X/Twitter battles show that it’s not just one Charleston outlet. Slotting climate change as a factor in every hot day permeates every report and observation:

(If you’re interested in data, not political panic porn about the weather, I highly recommend his X feed.)

The same reflexive politicization appears in popular culture. I like time-travel books (silly, I know, but I do) and recently found Kelley Armstrong’s highly-rated time-travel murder mystery, A Rip Through Time, about a female cop who finds herself in 1869 Edinburgh investigating a serial killer. Armstrong is a good writer who did her research, and the plot is clever, but as is the case with 80% of recent novels I’ve read, the book is as much a polemic as a time-travel murder mystery.

Armstrong uses the time-travel conceit to inundate us with her views on feminism, science-ism, racism, homophobia, immigration, and even Americans’ alleged failure to take off their shoes upon entering their homes. She never stops interweaving her political/cultural beliefs throughout an otherwise smart, entertaining book. It’s like eating a nice dessert while periodically being hit over the head with a mallet.

I’m sure that, if you read modern novels, regardless of genre, you’ve experienced exactly the same thing. No matter what they write, leftists obsessively drip their values into their writing. They have internalized the 1970s feminist mantra that “the personal is political.”

And then there’s television. Yesterday, I wrote about Oregon doctors who may need to fear losing their licenses over “microaggressions,” which is a real concern given how leftism permeates modern medicine. I illustrated my point with a doctor’s dilemma when faced with an obese minority patient, given that obese minorities insist that it’s racist to address it. If I’d waited just one day, I could have written about racist tumors, a concept that just showed up on an NBC medical drama:

In 2024, for leftists, throwing around their doctrinal principles is as reflexive as it is for a good Catholic to cross himself when he enters a church. Both are matters of faith, although I infinitely prefer those who believe in God, a moral divinity, over the pagans, who serve a panoply of arbitrary, capricious, demanding, and amoral beings.

Image: The Church of Leftism by AI.

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