Juneteenth is yet another Biden payoff

Well, don’t mind me, but, why “Juneteenth?” 

It’s akin to everything that Biden has done domestically to buy his way to a second term. (Biden? Second Term? Really?)  Very few Americans -- black, white, or indifferent -- have a clue what the mid-June holiday is.

Its off-putting, cutesy title and wandering appearance in June (on a Wednesday, right?) doesn’t really clarify the point of it. It is a safe bet that if CNN wandered around the streets of D.C., or anywhere, asking folks what event in ‘history’ Juneteenth respects, the empty stares and open mouths would astound.

Tomorrow’s ‘holiday,’ we can probably confirm, has something to do with Biden’s DEI priorities, which is to say, his priorities for keeping his Left and his ‘Liberals” in the Democrat fold — or the stock pen.

It also has to do, yet again, with “civil rights” and “slavery.” O.K. Fair enough. 

But, given the fact that the Left has been busy under Biden tearing down the history of our country via renaming and destroying monuments — and so on -- how can the American people be supposed to track on what actually happened, anonymously apparently, sometime in June in more than a century past?

No matter. Another strong point in favor of Juneteenth — in fact, its only practical application, is that it provides Biden’s immense bureaucracy/voting bloc with another paid holiday. There is no interest group in the U.S. that has close to the perks now enjoyed by the federal bureaucracy. And mind you, these holidays are doled out — by monetary association -- to the banks, too, and the universities, and many other domestic cohorts who feed on the udders of the feds — which is to say, feed on our burgeoning taxes.

As to those of us who only perceive Juneteeth by a sudden awareness that, tomorrow,  our mail won’t be delivered, and we won’t be able to visit our bank to conduct our personal business: oh, well. We are used to this. Every month now, just about, the feds take a day off from their remote work, or their protesting, or their conferences/business trips, to ‘celebrate’ another holiday.

Lest we forget, Joe Biden is counting on his bespoke lovely perks for his troopers. As it develops, he’s not got much else to count on.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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