January 20, 2025

The events depicted below are intended to be fanciful—or are they?

9:00 AM: Donald Trump sits in the Federal Correctional institution, Otisville, in the Town of Mount Hope, NY, his loyal Secret Service crew rotating shifts ever since his November landslide victory as a precaution against him being Epsteined.  Trump’s prison food taster contracts mysterious food poisoning and is rushed to the hospital.  Melania, stationed just outside Trump’s cell, orders carryout for breakfast and sends Ivanka to pick it up.

11:00 AM: An Antifa-style mob appears outside the prison and surrounds it.  Aside from prison guards inside the compound, no police or other security is anywhere to be seen.  Trump’s Secret Service agents are prepared to fire on the mob if necessary to protect him.

11:59 AM: Back in Washington, DC, in their last action before vacating office, numerous Biden administration officials send emails to themselves saying they did everything “by the book.”

12:00 PM: Donald Trump takes the presidential oath of office in prison.

12:05 PM: In his first presidential action, Donald Trump pardons himself.  This action is appealed immediately to the Supreme Court, which, knowing Trump would have standing, whips out its pre-prepared majority ruling following party lines that his action is constitutional, even for the state charges (with the last two words in “Pardons for Offenses against the United States” interpreted as including the individual states), in line with the Founding Fathers’ vision that a president shouldn’t and can’t be hampered by such charges.  (Chief Justice John Roberts’ opinion that the action is constitutional but only for today, after which Trump must return to prison, is overruled as nonsensical by the other conservative justices.)

12:30 PM: Just as the mob breaks into the prison, two helicopters land on the prison roof, whisking Trump, his relatives, and Secret Service agents away to Newburgh Airport.  From there Trump takes a small, nondescript plane and lands at Martin State Airport in Middle River, MD.  On the tarmac he announces that he has asked for National Guard protection during the Washington, D.C. ceremonies, after which it will be withdrawn.  He warns the Capitol Police to yield authority to the National Guard.

5:00 PM: In a belated ceremony at the Capitol, with Vice President Elise Stefanik looking on, Trump behind and below bulletproof glass formally states he has taken the oath of office, a monitor replaying the prison video of the oath.  He gives a brief speech that America was on the brink of being lost forever to tyranny, and it seemed as if the fate of our country were resting on the shoulders of a single person, but in the end it was Americans across the country who came through.  He says he will do his best to faithfully serve within the guidelines of the Constitution, which, as he points out, are not mere words but part of his oath.

6:00 PM: At a paper-signing ceremony at the White House, Trump announces he is eliminating the DoJ and the FBI, effective immediately, saying substitutes for them will be forthcoming.  DoJ and FBI officials respond that they refuse to leave and will not dismiss employees, because after all, “We are the government.”  The Supreme Court, ready in advance, rules along party lines that his action is constitutional.

7:00 PM: Trump pardons all nonviolent J6ers, effective immediately.  The timing of pardons and commutations for other J6ers—assuming they were not working undercover for the FBI trying to whip up the crowd—will be based on the same sentencing criteria the DoJ has used for Antifa and BLM mobs (meaning most will be effective immediately).

10:00 PM - 3:00 AM: Trump celebrates at his victory ball which includes numerous invited J6ers still clad in orange jumpsuits.  Rap dancers, along with orange-clad J6ers, perform Orange Man Bad, which instantly goes viral.

January 21, 9:00 AM: Trump announces the elimination of the Department of Education and the EPA.  Trump supporters cheer.  The MSM announce there is a constitutional crisis.

3:00 PM: American Thinker editors laud January 20, 2025 as one of the greatest days in U.S. history.

W.A. Eliot is a pseudonym.

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