If Trump wins in November, watch out
How are the Democrats going to deal with Biden, the tsunami from the pro-freedom right, and the rejection of globalism?
Put yourself in the place of the far-left ruling class. The world is rejecting its globalist agenda, and the people have had enough of the usual lies that never made any sense in the first place. In France, President Emmanuel Macron is dissolving its National Assembly in a surprise move to head off defeat in the face of the pro-freedom right. Elsewhere, it’s the same old story as the people are getting fed up with the globalist far-left ruling class that wants tight control of individual liberty while at the same time having the gall to label themselves “liberals.”
And as if on cue, leftists are trotting out the same old lies that have never made any sense, naturally referring to individualists favoring liberty, limited government, and strict separation between the state and corporations, with a term that signifies a collectivist ideology that severely suppresses individual liberty and warrants unlimited government and public/private partnerships — better known as fascism. We’ve been over this many a time and this particular leftist lie has been eviscerated so many times in books, and videos the past few years, it’s hard to believe that they’re even trying to push it anymore. Perhaps instead of running cover for the Biden regime, the Associated Press could try to resurrect its credibility and finally fact-check those forever falsehoods.
The big problem for the authoritarian far-left ruling class is that projection and lies can take them only so far, then the people start to notice that the falsehoods they spew 24/7 all start to ferment and contradict one another. It’s like trying to throw another layer from a stall cleaning on a big smoking pile of manure that eventually catches fire from the heat buildup of the fermentation process.
The national socialist media desperately want to make it seem as though all these movements of the pro-freedom right are isolated and will somehow quickly die out because they’re all disconnected. But that’s where they are wrong.
As much as they don’t want to admit it, the Trump phenomenon is a vestige of people who are fed up with the destruction of the country and our constitutional republic by people who think they know better. This applies here and around the world.
This is why the lawfare isn’t working, in addition to the fact that it was a case with an unexplainable “crime.” They threw everything they could think of at President Trump, including the kitchen sink, and the man is still standing.
When you take in the totality of what is at stake, you can easily brush off the ridiculous “convicted felon” label. The far-left authoritarian fascists who clearly want to destroy the country are the “existential” threat, despite the daily propaganda barrage.
This leads to the question of the age: what are Biden’s puppeteers going to do as he steadily declines and each day sees them running short of viable options. They could of course replace him with Vice President Kamala Harris — or Michelle Obama, as we and others have postulated — but that leads to the larger question of why they haven’t done that already. Most assuredly months ago, there were prime opportunities for our dear leader to bow out and leave the way clear for Kamala.
By the same token, the far-left ruling class volks-comrades are Democrats in name only, and they could have come up with some clever way of installing Michelle Obama as a better puppet president for Joe. But neither of these events took place at those far more opportune times. Why is that the case? Why didn’t they make that change?
Even though both would check all kinds of intersectional boxes, they aren’t ready for prime time, and it would be an instant admission on two counts that Bidenomics is a failure and that he’s in decline. Their propaganda house of cards will collapse, and all their lies will suddenly stand out in stark relief.
What can they possibly do in the face of certain defeat and no other options? There are some disturbing possibilities. The facts and the law wouldn’t seem to allow for this, but we’ve seen a lot of disturbing possibilities in the past few years that also shouldn’t have been allowed by law, such as the buying of votes with the paying off of student loans when the Supreme Court ruled against the concept, or changing of the definitions of terms in the law to come up with new ways of regulating the right of self-defense.
So would it be that much of a stretch to forward the possibility of “temporarily postponing” the election “for a few weeks” in the face of a “serious crisis”?
Anti-liberty leftists are masters at lying with language. They have developed all kinds of soft language to hide what happens when unconstitutional “red flag” gun confiscation orders are implemented, but they never use the C-word (confiscation). You should have no doubt that they will scrupulously avoid using another C-word in this case (cancelation). The soft language of hard tyranny will be the start, followed by a full-court press from the nation’s socialist media — couching this idea in terms of “patriotism.”
Remember “15 days to slow the spread,” which quickly morphed into months and then years? Whole portions of the media complex are as far away from “objective” as you can get. They would universally call this a commonsense measure, and anyone who dared object an “insurrectionist” and a danger to democracy — just to peg the needle on the irony scale.
The crisis could be anything they choose to conjure up. There must be a reason so many have made such an effort to import military-aged men and terrorists into the country. Tucker Carlson is postulating that we’re going to be in an actual war with Russia by the end of summer, with a good possibility of a nuclear exchange before then. You can just hear their rationale for this now: we can’t exactly vote in the middle of dealing with fallout or terrorist attacks, so we’ll just delay the election for a little while. Remember how well that kind of logic worked with COVID?
The problem with this scenario is that, like the “trial balloon” of the student loan vote-buying fiasco, it’s going to take most of the GOP to have a spine for once and demand that we simply follow the rule of law — while pointing out that we’ve had elections during a civil war and all manner of disasters.
Don’t put it past the far-left ruling class to try a Hail Mary play to stave off total defeat, and then turn around and accuse those who simply want normalcy of extremism. Authoritarians think it’s their birthright to rule over everyone else, and they will do anything to maintain that rule. That’s what makes them so desperate and dangerous.
D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, former director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack.
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