Hur was right -- kind of

You may remember that the DoJ dropped the "documents" prosecution of President Biden because, to be charitable, Special Counsel Robert Hur concluded that he was a nice old man with a bad memory. He committed the crime, but the DoJ activated the "....“well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” defense.

Maybe the American public is not so charitable about the man with the last word on nuclear weapons. This is from NBC:

NBC national affairs analyst John Heilemann on Friday said President Joe Biden’s campaign’s largest concern is that persuading certain voters the president is competent may be a lost cause. 

Biden’s cognitive capabilities have repeatedly been raised as a possible problem, with NBC political analyst Elise Jordan earlier on Friday saying voters tell her they will be tuning into the upcoming presidential debate to “make sure that he’s up to the task” of being president. Heilemann on “Morning Joe” said the campaign’s deepest fear is that there may be no solution to persuading voters who have “stubborn concerns about” the president, based in part on an interview he conducted with Biden campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon.

Tuning in to see if the President is up to the task? Is that real or what? I've seen every debate since Ford vs Carter and I don't remember anything like this. Yes, some would say that people were concerned about President Reagan after the first debate but that's nothing compared to this. No one, as I recall, was concerned that the Gipper was freezing or telling imagined stories about this or that.

President Biden's chief problem is that our eyes tell us a different story. I don't have to be a doctor or psychiatrist to know that there is a problem. It does not help that President Biden is in the middle of some real disasters, from the border to Afghanistan and rampant crime in our cities. And to make matters worse, he looks oblivious to the events.

Does he know what's going on? It's not a cheap shot when it comes to President Biden.

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Image: Gage Skidmore

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