Hit parade of lies from the Left

Truth in all its permutations is under attack.

For the last decades, but especially in the last four years, Americans have been treated to one lie after another, generated by Leftists, amplified by the White House and disseminated by the Leftist propaganda machine, their media.

For four years, we have been lied to that the border is closed and secure. In reality, 10 million illegals have landed on American soil, some of whom are Islamic radicals chafing at the bit to take down another American symbol. Or our power grids. Or our banking system.

Sadly, even the Left can no longer rely on Leftist media to tell the truth and so we on the Right have had to go out and get our own platforms such as Rumble, Truth, etc. We, loving the truth, have few weapons with which to fight this gargantuan attack on the truth, but things are starting to turn around. It's in the wind. You can feel it in your viscera.

Here are just a few of the lies the Left have been force-feeding us.

  • Men can be women: Lie.
  • Men can get pregnant: Lie.
  • Men can nurse: Lie.
  • Trans is good: Lie.
  • Trans is not a neurosis: Lie.
  • Fat is beautiful: Lie.
  • 2020 was not stolen: Lie.
  • Vaccines work as promised: Lie.
  • Drag queen story hour is good for little kids: Lie.
  • Democrats are “for the little guy”: Lie.
  • You can be anything you want to be: Lie.
  • Diversity is our strength: Lie.
  • Donald Trump was not railroaded: Lie.
  • Gays are born that way: Lie.
  • Systemic racism exists: Lie.
  • Prosecuting black crime is racist: Lie.
  • White people are racists, especially when they deny it: Lie.
  • Merit is anachronistic: Lie.
  • American public schools educate: Lie.
  • Trump is a criminal: Lie.
  • Israel was the aggressor on October 7th: Lie.
  • Vaccines are good: Lie.
  • The Chinese spy balloon was a weather balloon: Lie.
  • The border is secure: Lie.
  • The women of The View can think rationally: Lie.

All these lies and far too many more have been generated on the Left for mass consumption.

Happily, recent news reports are leaking out, first as a trickle, and now more forcefully, that all those lies are being recognized as lies.

Vaccines do not work. Diversity and DEI destroy competence and productivity. Israel is getting the truth out. Mayorkas is obviously delusional given his recent appearance on Capitol Hill. Voter fraud cases are popping up like zits on a teenaged boy. Boys and girls are de-transitioning. Disney, Target and Hollywood in general are destroying their bottom lines with wokeism. The truth is finally coming out, the Right having finally reached critical mass and the end of their patience.

An election that will determine the future or lack of one for America is drawing near. Without truth, the host dies. Given Biden's plethora of lies and his present incontinent state of body and mind, convince just one person to vote for Trump and let's bring back some measure of sanity and of the truth to American culture and politics.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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