Donald Trump’s bold investment in American workers paid off

Author’s note: Read the stats referenced herein at the National Archives, under the subheading “Investing in America’s Workers and Families.”

Investing in America’s workforce was a cornerstone of Donald Trump’s administration, emphasizing advanced apprenticeship career pathways that led to well-paying jobs.

Through a series of strategic initiatives and policy decisions, Trump demonstrated a commitment to bolstering opportunities for American workers and empowering marginalized groups, all while maintaining a focus on technological advancement and national security.

One of the administration’s key accomplishments was the expansion of apprenticeship programs to over 850,000 individuals, coupled with the establishment of Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship programs. These initiatives not only provided valuable skills training but also paved the way for workers to secure stable and lucrative employment in new and emerging fields.

Additionally, the creation of the National Council for the American Worker and the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board underscored Trump’s dedication to addressing the evolving needs of the labor force.

Furthermore, Trump garnered support from over 460 companies through the Pledge to America’s Workers, committing to offer more than 16 million job and training opportunities. 

By prioritizing skills-based hiring over traditional degree-based metrics, Trump took a proactive stance in modernizing the recruitment process within the federal government, ensuring that talent and expertise were valued above all else.

In the realm of women’s economic empowerment, Trump’s administration made significant strides. For the first time in history, women’s empowerment was included in a president’s National Security Strategy, signaling a recognition of the crucial role women play in driving economic growth and stability.

Legislative victories, such as the Women, Peace, and Security Act and the Women Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment Act, further cemented Trump’s commitment to fostering opportunities for women, and supporting women-owned businesses, both domestically and abroad.

The launch of initiatives like the “Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) Initiative” and the “Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi)” exemplified Trump’s dedication to amplifying the voices and economic opportunities available to women worldwide.

Through these programs, millions of women gained access to resources and support necessary for financial independence and success.

In the realm of technology and innovation, Trump’s administration prioritized American leadership, particularly in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), quantum information science, and 5G communications.

By naming these fields as “national research and development priorities” Trump laid the groundwork for future technological advancements, a move that drove economic growth and competitiveness on a global scale.

Initiatives like the American Broadband Initiative and the Secure 5G and Beyond Act demonstrated Trump’s commitment to expanding access to critical infrastructure and ensuring the security of telecommunications networks.

By making mid-band spectrum available for commercial operations and investing in groundbreaking programs for commercial drone operations, Trump positioned the United States as a leader in the development and deployment of cutting-edge technologies.

Moreover, Trump’s administration took decisive action to preserve American jobs and protect against the influx of cheap foreign labor. By pressuring entities like the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to prioritize American workers over foreign replacements, Trump upheld his promise to put America first.

The removal of key officials at the TVA underscored Trump’s commitment to holding accountable those who undermine the interests of American workers.

In conclusion, Donald Trump’s track record of investing in America’s workers is undeniable. Through innovative policies, strategic initiatives, and unwavering dedication, Trump championed the interests of working-class Americans while simultaneously advancing American leadership in technology and innovation.

As the November elections approach, voters must consider the tangible impact of Trump’s policies on job creation, economic empowerment, and national security. In contrast to his opponent, Joe Biden, Trump stands as a beacon of hope for the working man and woman alike, deserving their support and their vote.

Joseph Ford Cotto, 1st Baron Cotto, GCCCR (DBA) is the author of ‘What Happened to America?: How—and Why—the American Dream Became a Nightmare.’ He hosts ‘News Sight,’ an online program with a sharp focus on the current events that impact your life. During 2014, HLM King Kigeli V of Rwanda bestowed a hereditary knighthood upon him. It was followed by a barony the next year. Cotto holds a doctorate in business administration.

Image: Courtesy of The Conservative Treehouse.

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