Biden’s interview with Time reveals a deeply dishonest man

A few weeks ago, Time interviewed Trump, which Time promptly misrepresented in its reporting on its own interview. Now, Time has interviewed Biden. I didn’t bother with Time’s reporting on its interview but went to the transcript (which Time, to its credit, published). It’s illuminating because it reveals a dishonest man. I cannot cover everything Biden said, but I’ve tried to capture a few of the worst things.

Time did some of its own fact-checking about Biden’s assertions. Thus, it

  • Pointed out that Biden was wrong about Europe’s and America’s relative amounts of aid to Ukraine,
  • Danced around Biden’s insistence that he spent a month in Ukraine,
  • Noted Biden's misstatement about Japan’s defense spending by over 50%,
  • Caught his lie about his role in the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue,
  • Tagged him for misrepresenting inflation (he said wages now exceed inflation, but “cumulative inflation has outpaced wage growth for most of the Biden presidency”),
  • Explained how wrong Biden was about Africa’s population, and
  • Corrected Biden’s mangled explanation of Macron’s statement about the “brain death” of NATO.

But there was more that Time ignored. Specifically:

Biden claims that Trump wanted to “eviscerate” NATO. In fact, Trump wanted NATO nations to pay their promised share of their own defense—and pay they did when he stopped allowing them to view America as the sugar-daddy pushover.

Biden contends that Putin wants to reestablish the Soviet Union and uses a copy of Putin’s February 21, 2022, speech to make that point. Had either he or Time’s reporters read the speech, he would have seen that Putin rails against the Soviet Union for creating Ukraine, which was historically a part of Russia. That is a subtle difference but a real one.

In 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea, I spoke privately with a family friend who is (a) an off-the-charts genius with an IQ soaring above 160, (b) a hardcore Democrat, and (c) an academic expert in Eastern European studies. He was sanguine about the invasion. According to him, Eastern Ukraine was historically part of Russia, and the Soviet Union “russified” it further under Stalin by shipping in ethnic Russians to displace any Ukrainians who had settled there. The language and culture, he said, were Russian.

That’s exactly what Putin says. His speech isn’t about world or European domination. It is, instead, about what he conceives as Russia’s manifest destiny to Ukraine’s Eastern territory—which is all he sought before Biden escalated matters.

Please note: This isn’t about whether Putin’s historic analysis is correct or whether his desire to retake Ukraine is justified or moral. It’s simply about the fact that Putin’s goal is targeted and narrow and has nothing to do with the Soviet Union.

Biden says of Ukraine, “[T]hey are part of NATO.” No, Ukraine is not part of NATO. In fact, what triggered Putin was the threat that Ukraine might become part of NATO. In other words, Putin wasn’t pushing onto Europe’s doorstep; Europe was pushing onto Putin’s doorstep. Again, I’m not saying Putin’s response was justified. I’m just pointing out that Biden is lying.

Biden also gave a garbage answer about Israel’s war in Gaza. Biden knows that (a) Hamas has lied about casualties, forcing even the UN to adjust its numbers by 50%, which is probably still an overstatement, (b) that evidence shows that the alleged civilian deaths in Rafah to which the interview alludes were caused by a Hamas armory embedded amongst civilians, (c) that Israel has waged war with an exquisite sensibility for enemy civilians, and (d) that Israel has abided by all legitimate rules of warfare.

Nevertheless, when asked if Israeli forces committed war crimes in Gaza, Biden replied, “The answer is it’s uncertain...” Also, while denying that Israel was intentionally starving civilians, he promptly accused them of “inappropriate” conduct.

From there, he swung into his usual moral equivalency: Sure, Israel suffered, but Gazan people (who celebrated and even participated in the October 7 attack and strongly support Hamas) are suffering, too. Biden gets credit, though, for saying that Hamas is refusing to stop the fight.

Biden also continued his attack on Netanyahu. The interviewers asked whether Netanyahu is “prolonging the war” for his “self-preservation.” Biden refused to comment and then added, “There is every reason for people to draw that conclusion,” followed by an attack on Netanyahu for trying to amend the Israeli constitution to rein in rogue leftist judges.

And of course, Biden so desperately wants that two-state solution. This leftist idea refuses to acknowledge (a) THAT Israel had already withdrawn from Gaza in 2005, which promptly turned itself into a launching pad for a genocidal attack, and (b) that the Hamas rallying cry, which all leftists support, is “from the river to the seas.” That slogan means the erasure of Israel and the extermination of the Jews. That’s not a two-state solution; for the Jews, that’s another “final solution.”

Biden denied that North Korea is getting more aggressive, which is delusional, stupid, or gas-lighting.

On the economy, Biden misrepresented wages (see Times’s correction, above) and then attacked corporations for price-gouging and “shrinkflation.”

It’s difficult to understand what Biden said about his tariffs on China. However, the truth is that they’re illusory because they target industries that China has already shifted to Mexico. It’s another Biden administration con.

Naturally, Biden defends his border policy—which he’s now ostensibly (but not really) reversed in what is, of course, a bait-and-switch gaslighting.

I’ll wrap this up with Biden’s delusional and totally aggressive-senile-old-man challenge to go mano-a-mano with the reporter:

The last two years of Presidents, two-term President's tenure are usually focused on foreign affairs. You are 81 years old, and would be 86 by the time you left office. Large majorities of Americans, including in the Democratic Party, tell pollsters they think you are too old to lead. Could you really do this job as an 85-year old man?

Biden: I can do it better than anybody you know.  You’re looking at me, I can take you too. (Emphasis mine.)

Biden’s continued tenure in the White House is a threat to America’s long-term existence.

Image of Joe Biden: YouTube screen grab (edited).

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