Ben Rhodes is back, smugger and smarmier than ever

Was anyone looking for a comeback from Ben Rhodes, President Obama's famously smug, smarmy, officious former deputy National Security Advisor, who's best known for being called an "a--hole" by veteran Pentagon correspondent Thomas Ricks?

Don't think so. But he's back anyway, and according to The Hill, he's out insulting President Trump:

Former White House national security adviser Ben Rhodes went after former President Trump for his foreign policies, calling him a “chaos agent” who cannot solve problems with other nations.

Donald Trump — let’s be blunt — he’s not respected. He’s not taken seriously around the world. He’s a chaos agent,” Rhodes said in an interview on MSNBC Saturday. “He’s incapable of working with other countries to solve problems.”

Speaking of not respected.

Rhodes, of course, who is a creative writing major, is the famous author of the Iran Deal with its pallets of cash, which the United Nations's nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, said was something nobody pays attention to any more.

According to a story that ran in Breitbart News four days ago:

Rafael Grossi, director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said on Monday that former President Barack Obama’s 2015 nuclear deal with Iran “exists only on paper and means nothing.”

“Nobody applies it, nobody follows it. There have been attempts to revive it here in Vienna. But unfortunately, although they were relatively close to success, they failed for reasons unknown to me, because I was not involved in the process,” Grossi complained to Russia’s Izvestia newspaper.

They don't seem to have much respect for Ben Rhodes out there even as Rhodes claims Trump is the one who is not respected, now do they?

That isn't Rhodes's only idiocy.

He's also the smarmy public relations hack who got President Obama to restore relations with Havana and go there like Beyonce on the Malecon, doing the wave with Cuba's dictator, Raul Castro, who was otherwise busy torturing dissidents in his dungeons and sending baying mobs to fling rotten eggs and urine bombs at democracy dissidents in their homes. Just the kind of guy you want the leader of the free world hanging around with, right?

But don't think for a minute that the U.S. gained anything from this. Today, Castro is collaborating with Nicaragua and Venezuela to ship millions of illegals from all corners of the globe into the U.S. in order to destroy our country, sending electromagnetic waves to sicken U.S. diplomats abroad, and taking visits from Russian nuclear submarines detouring from their routes to slide down the U.S. coast first.

That's some friend the U.S. got in exchange for lifting sanctions and normalizing relations.

But none of this has stopped Rhodes for a moment of self-reflection.

He said Trump was 'unpredictable' with America's enemies, which he seemed to think was a bad thing, citing China.

His talking point there echoed Vladimir Putin's statement that he prefered Biden as the U.S. president because he was more predictable.

According to the Associated Press:

“Biden, he’s more experienced, more predictable, he’s a politician of the old formation,” Putin said, when asked which candidate would be better for Russia. “But we will work with any U.S. leader whom the American people trust.”

Of course Putin prefers Predictable Biden. Knowing what Biden will do at all times makes him as useful as a puppet, and Putin loves puppets.

It just goes to show that Rhodes hasn't changed any after all these years in the political wilderness, and if anything, is worse than ever. If Joe Biden is purveying Rhodes's services for this campaign, it would suggest that his campaign is in a world of trouble. Anyone this smug and smarmy can only hurt the Biden re-election effort.

Image: The White House, via Picryl // public domain









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