2024 is there for Trump’s taking

The progressive monkeys are engaged in projecting their shrill messaging and are coming out of the trees.  They are campaigning by scaring American voters with what they themselves have been doing: jailing Trump-supporters, destroying our democracy, allowing illegals to flood our nation and murder innocent American citizens.  The list of activities has turned America into both the laughingstock of the world and a lawless third-world society.

The baboons from CNN, NBC, MSNBC are lying.  They are claiming that Trump is going to attack them, jail them.  The list of their accusations is endless, and totally without any believable evidence.

We already have evidence of Trump as president for four years, and he did nothing of what they say.  They are simply seeking to scare voters.  His record of achievements, against all efforts to destroy his administration, speaks for itself.

As for the polls, I believe that they too will prove to be totally misleading.  Most American voters are experiencing the difference between the Trump and the Biden years.  They are not the fools the mass media portray them to be as they circle the wagons to protect their choice.  Why?  I believe that it is because most of those who make up the mass media today are not only untrustworthy, but also neo-Marxists.  They want to destroy this country.

They know that the opportunity to accomplish this nefarious goal is to shove Joe down our throats by re-electing this frail, totally incompetent ghost of a president and spread discord.  A strong America is their worst enemy because it is the best hope a free world has to stand against the increasing power and threat from China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran as they link arms against the West.

Finally, I believe that Biden has begun the third world war through his feckless and misguided weak-knee policies.  You cannot feed bullies.

It is obvious to all who look objectively that the Democrats are conflicted.  They are stuck with Joe and have few competent replacements.  Any decision to bribe Kamala — for example, to become governor of California — could fail or be met with powerful resistance because she is a woman and black.

Stay tuned.  It is Trump’s to lose.

<p><em>Image: Gage Skidmore via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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