You pay so I win

Biden wants you to pay for the education of the rioting know-nothing anti-Semitic students who hate America and Jews and embrace Hamas.

He needs their votes and believes excusing their education debt, which SCOTUS has ruled he cannot do, is the way to victory.  His contempt for the justices and the Constitution is unparalleled in the history of presidential behavior.

Not only is this amoral but, it is one of the worst presidential teaching lessons it’s possible to imagine.  Biden  says you are not only not responsible for your actions and contracts, but also that others will treat you to your ice cream cone.

We already have large parts of society dependent upon welfare, we have theft of goods from privately-owned stores soaring, we have rapists and heinous criminals being set free without bail, and now Biden wants to add another category of irresponsibility to our nation's decline, all because he places re-election above national interest.

No wonder citizens despair and distrust their government. This is what Biden has accomplished in his first term and he now seeks re-election based on this despicable record while he bellows that Trump will destroy America.  Only a totally partisan idiot would swallow this lie. To fall for it is to drive another nail into our republic's prospects for survival. 

Image: Montecruz foto

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