Will protesting students face consequences?

It will come to no surprise to sane Americans that the “kill the Jews,” mostly peaceful, protests at our nation’s Ivy League/blue universities have turned violent. It will surely not be surprising to learn around 50% of “students” arrested when things got so bad university presidents and other administrative weasels could no longer ignore them were 
“not connected” or “not affiliated” with those respective universities.

What those terms mean has yet to be definitively explained, and some media talking heads are trying to suggest it means only that they might just be part time students, or have some other sort of pseudo-legitimacy that might suggest they’re not outside, even Islamist, agitators. After all, this is a pure, grass roots movement that’s all about peace and harmony. Well, other than calling for the genocide of every Jew and seizing their country, that is. But this is not antisemitic, no sir! It’s only anti-Zionist, a distinction the survivors of slaughtered Jews are not likely to appreciate.

In January of 2024, American Thinker posted Terrorist attacks in America: for what are they waiting? It was my take on the kinds of attacks we’re virtually surely facing in the near future. In February, I posted a book review of Kurt Schlichter’s The Attack, which mirrors my predictions while expanding on them. The book is a novel, an oral history of three days of nationwide terror attacks, attacks in which American college students willingly participated:

Graphic: Cover scan. Author.

Why did so many young college students from good families and with bright futures join an orgy of blood and violence? Programming, but also the excitement of being a part of a great, violent change. Do you remember the chaos of the first day? It seemed like everything was collapsing. The president was missing. Planes were falling from the sky and bombs were exploding. The police could not regain control. Everything seemed to be falling apart, and for those awaiting the collapse of the United States, it seemed that the time had come.

That was how, on the second and third days, so many of our young people joined in.

That, and so many of these “student protestors,” particularly those whose parents are forking over $100,000+ a year for supposedly prestigious degrees, have seldom, if ever, faced consequences for their antisocial rhetoric and blatant crimes, such as taking custodians hostage, which in sane states is known as kidnapping. Universities “negotiate” lunatic demands rather than simply having demanders arrested and expelled. “Protestors” seizing and damaging university buildings demand to be fed gourmet and vegan fare and universities witlessly agree. Even on the occasions protestors are arrested, they’re immediately released without bond, and they’re not prosecuted. Why wouldn’t they engage in “an orgy of blood and violence?” They believe they’re untouchable, the moral arbiters of their age. The “moral” causes, about which they know nothing, excuse anything they do.

Hundreds have been arrested across the country. In New York City, DA Alvin Bragg refuses to say whether he will prosecute the protestors arrested there, which means he won’t. That’s not going to be the case in red states like Texas and Florida, and in other red states where potential protestors know better than to try that in a small town. 

In Schlichter’s book, students were brainwashed, used by terrorists, and caught up in revolutionary fervor committed atrocities. When finally captured by soldiers and police officers who had seen the rapes, torture and murders, they realized, to their horror, there were consequences, as one protestor taken to a prison camp relates:

The camp was cold and terrifying. The guards had no pity, The system had no pity. [skip They were using facial recognition from uploaded videos to catch the ones doing the killing. The accused would get hauled out and come back in an hour, sentenced to be shot. And then the next day, when their appeals were denied, they would be. We heard the, one shot, to the back of the head.

I realized I did not want to die.

Consequences having caught up with her for the first time in her life, she confessed and cooperated.

Prison was hard. There we no excuses, no tolerance. My piercings were pulled. If you used some gender pronoun but the one you were assigned at birth, you got beat. They reeducated us, and I resisted. But one day, during footage of a family like mine being tortured by laughing radicals, I started crying. That was when I began to heal.

But I don’t know if I will ever truly heal. I am lucky just to be alive.

Will some of our Ivy League, self-imagined elite turn against fellow Americans? It’s likely. Equally likely is their future fate as described by Schlichter. Americans are slow to anger, but once provoked beyond limits, they save the world, and hopefully, America.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

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