The death cult in American classrooms

Could the campus intifada of our “best and the brightest” be a blessing in disguise, a klaxon klanging in the night?

Let us first distinguish the campus intifada mob from the Vietnam War protestors of 1967. The agendas of these two groups of campus protestors are almost perfect reverse silhouettes of each other. The Vietnam War protestors demanded an end to a war; the intifada mob demands the annihilation of the Jewish race. The Vietnam War protestors mourned killing; the intifada mob celebrates killing and demands more of it.

Viewed from this perspective, the fundamental stance of the Vietnam War protestors was pro-life; that of the campus intifada is pro-death, aligning as they do with Islam, which boasts, “We love death more than you love life!”

But is it really true that many of our “best and brightest” have, in fact, been inducted into a culture of death or are they just acting out right now?

Yes, it is true.

Exhibit A of this induction is their support for abortion.

The story is told of a reporter at a pro-abortion rally interviewing a twenty-something woman accompanied by her forty-something mother. The mother, who was gushing how proud she was of her daughter standing up for her beliefs, was dumbfounded into silence when the reporter asked whether she harbored any concerns for her own safety when, in her later years, her life became inconvenient for her daughter.

Absent reverence for human life, we are no longer human.

Exhibit B is the climate crazies’ hatred of carbon dioxide, notwithstanding that life requires oxygen, oxygen requires plants, and plants require carbon dioxide and sunlight! Our president even explores masking the sunlight!! These are plans of the cult of death for planetary suicide.

But the puzzle that troubles many who try to wrap their minds around it is just how it could possibly happen that America’s adolescents and young adults in 2024 could align themselves with death and Islam?

Indeed, what a puzzle.

In The Outline of History, p. 895, H.G. Wells describes the engine of history: “All the things that men and nations do are the outcome of instinctive motive reacting upon the ideas which talk and books and newspapers and schoolmasters and so forth have put into people’s heads.”

Yes, it is the schoolmasters, says Larry Sand.

The schoolmasters of K-12, says Haley Strack.

“Look no further than K-12”, says Keri D. Ingraham.

So, what is the warning of the klaxon? It is simply this: The bureaucracies that administer the American institutions of education have become enemies of the American nation.

Aristotle famously held that the purpose of education is to teach the young what to love and what to hate. But our entire educational system, both K-12 and higher education, has become devoted to leading American youth to love and hate the wrong things, as we see now demonstrated on our college campuses.

The message is clear: We must take charge of raising our children, or our children will destroy us.

Image of the Death Cult that is an American classroom (by AI).

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