Terror alert!

Back in January, AT posted Terrorist attacks in America: for what are they waiting? I noted:

The FBI has admitted they’re watching at least 300 people on the Terrorist Watch List (TWL). Never mind why people on the TWL were allowed into the country so they could be watched in the first place. That’s “need to know” and Americans don’t have a need to know. Our security apparatus has also admitted thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of military aged males from countries that would like every American dead have crossed the border. These are countries like Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and many others. They’ve also grudgingly admitted it appears plenty of these military aged males, who happen to be Chinese, just might be members of the Chinese military. 

That’s the military aged males with whom they briefly chatted before giving them free rides on buses or jets to their preferred destinations. There are loads more “gotaways”—people they saw but didn’t chat with or give free rides--and even more they never saw.

As I also noted in that article, the FBI, and other governmental agencies supposedly responsible for deterring and intercepting acts of terror, had begun warning there were probably people in America who kind of, sort of, maybe, represented a danger of terrorist strikes.  

Since January, our feckless FBI Director, Christopher Wray, has, on multiple occasions, admitted the foreign terrorist threat level—inside America—is at unprecedented heights.  For instance, two terrorists tried to breach a Marine base on May 3. All we know is they were caught, one is a Jordanian who recently crossed the northern border—probably illegally, but no one is saying—and the other, who remains unidentified, was on the Terrorist Watch List. Did they have guns? Explosives? Who sent them? We have no need to know.

Adding to the fun, our crackerjack State Department just issued a worldwide “caution:”  

Graphic: government warning

They just noticed traveling while American is dangerous? Since January, tens, even hundreds of thousands of terrorists, spies and Chinese military personnel have swarmed over our borders, unvetted, in many cases unobserved. They’re not here to defect or sell Girl Scout cookies.

Why is the world so dangerous for Americans? There are a number of simple reasons:

*The utter failure of Biden deterrence. Our enemies know Joe Biden—actually his handlers—not only negotiate with terrorists, he negotiates for terrorists. He pretends to support our allies while simultaneously funding their, and our, enemies. Whatever weak response our armed forces are allowed to make commonly involves bombing an empty warehouse because Biden warned our enemies beforehand. There is little, usually no, downside to attacking America, and perhaps a bit less to attacking America’s allies.

*It pays to threaten and harm America. Biden has paid billions for a handful of hostages, so our enemies, in the best capitalist tradition, know business is good and take more. They know Biden will eventually make them billionaires, and in the meantime, they have plenty of time to amuse themselves with rape and torture. Oh yes, they rape men, too.

*Beyond direct hostage payments, Biden directs billions to our terrorist enemies via the State Department, UN, NGOs and other useful idiots/enemies of America. Hamas, for example, takes virtually all the aid pouring into Gaza, and recently mortared the pier Biden sent to pour in more.

*Our enemies know Democrats/socialist/communists (d/s/cs), like those in power in the State Department, believe merely talking to one’s enemies is the highest diplomatic achievement. Not only do they care nothing for advancing America’s interests, they think the second highest diplomatic achievement is giving our enemies everything they want. Nor do our traitorous diplomats set any time limit on negotiations, particularly when they’re going badly for America, which is always.

It would be wise for Americans, in this at least, to take the government’s advice. They’re making these warnings because they’re scared to death there will be mass terrorist atrocities in America before the election, and they’ll take the electoral blame. They’re not worried about American casualties; they’re worried about losing power. At least with all the warnings, they can say: “see? We told you so! It’s Trump's, Traditional, Radical Catholic's and MAGA’s fault! The border is secure and the economy is great!”

Just this once, it might be a good idea to put off foreign travel until—if—we have a president who actually gives a damn about America and Americans. True, most of our blue cities and states are akin to third world war zones, but at least people can still escape to red America without having to dodge hordes of Islamist madmen. At least for the moment--and outside of Michigan.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

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