On ‘transgenderism,’ Germany goes crazy and the UK claws back sanity

Within the same one-month period, Germany passed the most insanely pro-“transgender” laws in the world, while Britain pulled back from the abyss and officially recognized that there are only two biological sexes. It remains to be seen which policy will gain traction in Europe...and in America.

Here’s what happened in Germany:

The German Parliament, or Bundestag, passed one of the world’s most far-reaching sex self-determination policies on April 12, despite protests from women’s rights campaigners. The Self-Determination Act (SBGG) establishes ‘gender identity’ as a protected characteristic and allows parents to change the sex marker on their children’s documents from birth.

Supported by Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s three-party coalition and promoted and supported by the Social Democratic Party (SDP), the SBGG also creates the potential for citizens to be fined up to €10,000 (approx. $10,800 USD) for revealing a person’s given name and birth sex without their permission – an action that trans activists staunchly oppose and refer to as ‘deadnaming.’

But arguably the most troubling aspect of the law relates to a portion of the bill which permits parents to alter the recorded sex of children beginning from birth. From the age of five years old, it allows for name and sex changes if there is “mutual consent” between the child and their parents.

Did you get that last bit about a five-year-old child “consenting” to have his sex changed on his birth certificate?

Image: Just as Oscar Wilde envisioned a Picture of Dorian Gray showing the rot, or Freudian Id, behind the gloss, the manifestly mentally ill Solomon Galligan is the Id of so-called “transgenderism.” X screen grab.

Meanwhile, in the UK, the National Health Service, which reflects official government policy, will finally back away from so-called “transgenderism”:

Changes to the health service’s written constitution proposed by ministers will for the first time ban trans women from women-only wards, and give women the right to request a female doctor for intimate care.


In 2021, NHS guidance said trans patients could be placed in single-sex wards based on the gender with which they identified.

The new constitution will state: “We are defining sex as biological sex.”

The clarification means that the right to a single-sex ward means patients would “not have to share sleeping accommodation with patients of the opposite biological sex”.

Ah, normalcy, at last, at least in the country that bequeathed many of its values to us 250 years ago. There, at least, it seems that (a) the hysterical madness of the so-called “transgender” activists, (b) women’s realization that they are being subordinated to insane men, and (c) the emerging evidence that “transgenderism” was always a political and social con rather than a physical reality are slowly making themselves felt...at least in some areas.

I’m really not sure what to say at this point. Germany has opted for insanity while Britain is trying to claw its way back to normalcy. We see the same schism in America as the different states battle it out over whether to subject children to the mental and physical torture of so-called “transgenderism.” It’s to be hoped that we follow in Britain’s footsteps rather than in Germany’s.

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