Memes come out: Pro-Hamas campus radicals become figures of fun

In his "Rules for Radicals," Saul Alinsky argued that "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

So now as cops clear out campus radicals from disrupting universities with their campout protests, it looks like the rule is going into overdrive as the internet rolls out the ridicule for what are clearly the losers in this contest.

Here goes:
















Sometimes, the humor is unintentional:














There's nothing like a little scorn or ridicule for discrediting a bunch of cossetted self-styled revolutionaries. They brought this on themselves with their idiot ways, and everyone is now laughing at them. If it goes on, none of them are going to want to admit to ever belonging to this disgusting cause.

It's a trend and it's going upward. Let's hope it continues.

Image: Twitter meme screen shot

UPDATE from Andrea: I can't resist chiming in.

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