'Give me my money back'

It had to happen. 

It's called customer dissatisfaction or the kind of feeling that lines up people at the customer service line when a product or service does not work as advertised.  Well, line up the parents who don't approve of the colleges that their sons and daughters are attending.   

This is the story:

Colleges already have a student revolt on their hands. Now their parents are rebelling, too.
Parents paying as much as $90,000 for their sons and daughters to attend elite universities are angry and frustrated with colleges’ responses to the Gaza protests—on both sides of the political divide. Whether their kids are protesting, counterprotesting or trying to stay out of it, parents are demanding that schools do more to keep them safe and learning.
“They are not getting the education they expected and paid for,” says Zev Gewurz, a Boston real-estate lawyer whose daughter is a senior at Barnard College in New York City.     
Parents are preparing to push back financially. They are requesting tuition refunds where classes have been canceled and contacting college counselors to ask how to get their money back. Parents are also threatening not to donate in the future. 
Thank God that someone is watching the madness at these so called "elite" schools.
It is no longer a conspiracy theory to say that the leftist enemy is within.  They have taken over many of our schools, tenured professors included, and teach that history is about white male oppressors and everybody else who is a victim.    
And then to top it off President Biden reads a speech on the teleprompter that some political consultant told him to read to stop the ratings collapse. 
As expected, he said nothing.  He didn't salute the difficult work of police units around the country who enforced the law.  He said nothing about the DOJ starting an investigation about the obvious discrimination of Jewish students who were attacked and harassed. 
Am I the only one who thinks that President Biden would have sent the U.S. Marines with tanks and all if the object of the marches was opposition to homosexuals or others who don't think that men can get pregnant?  
So maybe sanity will prevail and more parents will encourage their kids to go to college in the South.  They wave the flag, sing the national anthem, and spend the weekends screaming about football.  Two of my sons went to Texas A&M and the other into the U.S. Army so I know what I'm talking about.
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