Biden throws a ‘Hail Mary’

Back in 1975, Roger Staubach hit Drew Pearson to beat Minnesota, and the legend of the “Hail Mary” pass was born.  (Honorable mention to Doug Flutie.)

A few days ago, President Biden called for debates, a move that has to be seen as a “hail Mary” play, or something else.

I agree with Keith Naughton:

The Biden campaign has finally admitted he is behind — it’s time for desperate measures.

Keith also explains the president’s problems:

It is quite astonishing how much Team Biden is frozen by loud, obnoxious voices in the New York–Washington media echo chamber. These voices do not represent the country at-large, and it particularly does not represent people’s views in swing states. Biden is impotently mumbling and stumbling through the Israel-Hamas war, hectored by a microscopic minority of the population. He cannot take action to limit illegal immigration and has no answers on inflation. 

I doubt it is a coincidence that the recent and disastrous New York Times-Siena poll immediately preceded Biden throwing down the debate challenge (or accepting it, depending on your perspective).

So throw the ball up in the air, and hope that your guy catches it.

It’s hard to see how President Biden can survive a debate.  We’ve seen the President stumble through presentations, and he often can’t even read the prepared text.  How is Biden going to handle simple questions from the moderators?  His staff will probably write all the answers on 3x5 cards, but can we trust that Mr. Biden will choose the right one?

What else is behind this decision?  This is where the Democrat party comes in.  I believe that they are ready to pull the plug if we hear another story about how Biden was set to play quarterback for the Cowboys but Coach Landry went for Staubach instead.

As for President Trump, he should lower the volume and talk economy, border, the international situation, and energy policy.  Let President Biden speak, and avoid the needless attacks.  Trump has the issues, and he should focus on them.

PS: Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.

<p><i>Image: Gage Skidmore via <a  data-cke-saved-href=


Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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