Biden and the Democrats denigrate rational fears of unlimited immigration

If you liked our country the way it was before he arrived on the scene, Biden says you must be xenophobic. It’s obvious that he means it disparagingly when speaking of people who don’t see a virtue in America’s fundamental transformation.

Being accused of being a xenophobe is not a compliment and means:

1.    Having a fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners

2.    Having abnormal fear or hatred of the strange or foreign.

The Biden Administration sees xenophobia as a disease that he must root out, isolating and attacking those who have a fear of immigrants overrunning our country. In a May 3 NYT newsletter, I read the following statement:

Biden, defending America’s history of immigration, called Japan and India — U.S. allies — xenophobic and said that China and Russia “don’t want immigrants.”

Clearly, President Biden is making war not only on his citizens but also on Japan and India, our essential and valued allies. Japan and India find value in preserving their cultures, which is inconsistent with mass immigration.

Raising evil actors China and Russia in the same sweeping statement attempts to smear both friend and foe with the same brush amounts to guilt by association. That is nothing more than rank brutishness that should be beneath the leader of the free world. Uttering such words is a slap in the face to important allies who won’t change their positions.

Now that Biden is opening the door to mass immigration of Palestinians, the Democrats’ xenophobia argument will explode. This is on top of the recent White House announcement that Palestinians living in the U.S. will be shielded from deportation.

Ultimately, its apparent that the new word “xenophobia” is joining the old standby “racism” to be another tool to isolate those Americans who understand that illegal immigration is a direct threat to our country’s survival. Most oppose Biden on illegal immigration, seeing its effect on our citizen’s ability to live and work in peace and prosperity. Americans are not xenophobic. They just haven’t signed on to the Democrat that America must become the lead nation of the Progressives' One World New Order.

Those Americans who object to unlimited illegal immigration are the new dissidents. They’re now being tarred with a word that’s fancy and sounds like a mental illness. Keep in mind how China and Russia commonly treat dissidents as mentally ill, and don’t be surprised if that’s not on the Democrat menu, although, thankfully, our policies have not reached that level quite yet.

Still, Biden’s reference to xenophobia is laying the groundwork for enforcement actions against anyone expressing revulsion at mass immigration into our country. To achieve this goal, Biden has shown himself willing to demonize some of our few major allies who have not yet drunk the Kool-Aid of Progressive imperatives. Europe is already an immigration basket case. When Islamic immigration is unchecked, crime is rampant.

Here are a few European Cities with Muslim immigrant populations and their impact on the host countries:

  • There were 1,318,755 Muslims reported in the 2021 census in the Greater London area. Office for National Statistics reports the proportion of Muslims in London had risen to 15% of the population, making Islam the second largest religion in the city after Christianity.
  • The Paris metropolitan region, or “aire urbaine,” is estimated to be home to some 1.7 million Muslims, making up between 10–15 percent of the area’s population. However, without official data, the margin of error of these estimates is exceptionally high.
  • An estimated 300,000-420,000 Muslims reside in Berlin, making up about 8-11 percent of the population.
  • The exact number of Muslims in Belgium is unknown, but various sources estimate that 4.0% to 7.6% of the country’s population adheres to Islam.
  • Officially, there are 196,000 migrants in Madrid, but that number could be twice as high, according to Statistica.
  • Rome, as well as Italy, is a major stopover country, with at least 1.6 million immigrants residing there.

Overall, European Muslims are projected to increase as a share of Europe’s population – even with no future additional migration and will eventually become the dominant culture. Europe is currently believed to contain about 30 million migrants, comprising over 6% of its total population. Truthfully, no one knows the actual numbers. When you have unchecked immigration, your basic character will change...and not necessarily for the better.

Biden is obviously intending to do to America what the Europeans did to themselves, and he’s labeling anyone who opposes him. This is apparently his way to combat the fact that our native population is outraged to the point where it is the number one issue of likely voters, according to some polls.

We must ask ourselves, as well as our elected representatives, what future we desire. Will it be one in which we have no say or one in which We, The People, decide our future? That is the real question we should keep at the forefront of our minds as we watch in horror as students with brainwashed minds run wild in our universities. Unchecked, they’ll be our country’s next leaders. Is this what we want?

Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at

Image of a Biden hate speech by Andrea Widburg using AI.

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