With Biden and his Democrats, the damage is intentional

When you have companies in third world countries do the mining for electric vehicle (EV) minerals, is it a surprise that they don't care about the damage that is caused to the environment?

Unintended Consequences: Mining for EV Battery Materials in Africa Endangers Critical Ape Habitat

The green pushers also don't seem to care about all the wildlife killed by wind  and solar farms. 
When California forces certain businesses to pay unreasonably high wages, the result is clearly going to be destructive. Businesses will close, layoffs will occur and higher prices will harm everyone.

Like AB5, CA's Fast-Food Minimum Wage Hike Results in Layoffs, Closures, and Higher Prices

Businesses will clearly have to automate more. Some are employing cashiers from foreign countries on Zoom screens. Businesses that were exempt would also have to raise their wages to compete. A $20 an hour wage actually costs businesses $25 to $30 an hour with all the mandatory taxes and benefits. Wages for higher paid workers would also have to go up.
The damage has to be intentional. The policy does not make things more affordable for the poor and middle class.

It's more damage when states enact no bail laws and let career criminals roam the streets, because it is obviously dangerous.
When Oregon and other Democrats decriminalize drugs or make them free, it does not make things better.
When California and other places make theft under $950 a non-crime, they will get more of it. It is not a surprise when businesses close and costs go up.
When a presidential candidate campaigns on opening borders and issues executive orders opening the border, and when Democrat-run cities and states are sanctuaries that don't punish illegals, the flooding of the country with illegals is intentional. The policies are causing massive harm to the United States. Blaming Trump and Republicans for the problem is a lie. 
Closing schools and keeping children out of sports was clearly going to cause massive harm to children, especially vulnerable children who were already behind.  Yet supposedly educated people claimed they had no idea these things would happen and they absolve themselves of the harm they intentionally caused.
Democrats always say they are the party for children. They say they like freedom of choice. They claim they are for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Yet, when policies are suggested to offer poor and minority children to leave poorly performing schools and go to schools that better off parents can send their kids to, Democrats block those options. The intentional destructive result is to hold those vulnerable children back.
When the CDC, and White House advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, continually lied to push the dictatorial edicts on COVID and its lockdowns, it was obviously going to cause people not to trust them. Yet the media and other Democrats continue to pretend they should be trusted and everything they did was based on science. 
When Democrats hand out freebies to buy votes, intentionally open borders and flood the country with millions of illegals, and when they have a goal to destroy companies that produce reasonably priced energy, the result is going to be one problem after another. Continually blaming others is an intentional lie. 
When Biden's policy is to destroy oil companies, it is clearly going to raise prices which helps Russia and Iran finance their wars and their terrorism. The high prices also greatly harm all Americans, especially the poor and middle class.
The results are so predictable that the destruction has to be intentional. 
Are Biden and Obama so stupid that they believe giving the tyrants in Iran access to hundreds of billions of dollars that it would make the world and the Iranian people safer? How is that working out?
Instead of focusing on defending America, our military seems to have prioritized pronouns, DEI, CRT, white privilege and going after right wing extremists (Trump supporters). Now there is a major shortage of recruits. While China and other adversaries are building their military we are focused on not hurting people's feelings. The damage is intentional. 
Forcing women to compete against men in sports and to share locker rooms with men is clearly going to harm women. Democrats should stop pretending that they are the party that respects women's rights. 
Democrats implemented great society and anti-poverty programs sixty years ago that essentially promoted the breakup of families. The clear result is that we now have a huge percentage of single parents and generational poverty. The fact that Democrats continue to promote and expand these policies indicates that the results are intentional. 
Forcing people to buy specific health insurance policies with massive mandates including no lifetime or annual limits was clearly going to take away choice, reduce competition, and raise prices. For fourteen years, insurance costs have skyrocketed, and for fourteen years Democrats have lied that Obamacare has made healthcare more affordable. The bad results are intentional because the goal of Democrats is to force government insurance on all of us. 
Forcing businesses to make electric vehicles and forcing people to buy them makes vehicles more unaffordable. Forcing people to switch out their furnaces, appliances, lawn mowers will greatly harm the poor and middle class and these radical green policies will not have any effect on temperatures or storms or sea levels. The intentional destruction is massive. 

Americans Face Higher Costs Under EPA’s Electric Truck Mandate

As America has an explosive increase in demand for power due to data centers, AI, Crypto, electric vehicles and factories pretending to be green, Democrats are focused on closing down oil, gas, and coal plants as fast as they can.  That is intentionally destructive. While Democrats want to close down efficient plants with affordable energy, China is rapidly building coal plants. Which country will be more successful? 

Vast swaths of the United States are at risk of running short of power as electricity-hungry data centers and clean-technology factories proliferate around the country,

Democrats are throwing money at daycare expenses to supposedly make it more affordable, but the policy, like all subsidies, makes prices go up much faster for people who pay. The policy is intentionally damaging.
Since the 1960s, the government has been throwing money at colleges to supposedly make them more affordable. The result of this largess is that colleges have used these funds to jack up their costs rapidly. Instead of having colleges control their costs, throwing money at the problem disincentivizes cost-control.  After all, most educators vote for Democrats so they don't care. The result is students have massive debt. Biden's solution is not to hold colleges accountable for screwing parents and kids, it is to dictatorially and unconstitutionally force taxpayers to pay off the debt to buy votes. 
When Biden politicizes the Justice Department to go after parents, Catholics, Trump, and Trump supporters who mostly peacefully trespassed at the Capitol, people understand how dangerous and biased the Justice Department is. 
When the Justice Department lets Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden off for crimes and taking massive kickbacks for access, the result is we get more corruption in government and people further lose the trust in government institutions. The damage is massive and intentional. 
When the Biden administration closed the air force base in Afghanistan, cleared out a prison with terrorists, and left billions in weapons for the Taliban, did they expect good results? The Taliban just brought back stoning.
Obama ran on remaking America. The disastrous consequences of Democrat policies are so obvious that they must be intentional. It is as if a community organizer who is a disciple of the radical Saul Alinsky was intentionally trying to destroy America so he could remake it in the radical image. Sadly, most of the media just cheer while this intentional destruction of America is clearly happening. Either the journalists don't understand or  don't care how many people and businesses they intentionally destroy. 
I would challenge everyone to name current Democrat policies that are meant to help the poor and middle class vs. making the government more powerful. I can't think of any.
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