On Title IX, Ron DeSantis shows what principled leadership looks like

Biden’s latest vast executive overreach was to amend Title IX to end women’s sports. Ron DeSantis has given a great statement about pushing back and, in doing so, he’s showing what principled leadership looks like.

The Founders wrote the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, with two ideas in mind. The first was that the government would be limited, with rights and power in the people, not in the government. The second was that the three branches of government would be balanced, with each keeping an eye on the other to ensure that it stayed within its constitutional boundaries.

That’s utterly failed. We already know that the Supreme Court is too powerful and the presidency has long been too powerful, too. Congress, which is the real voice of the people, is dysfunctional and has ceded much of its power to the regulatory state, which essentially passes legislation on a regular basis.

The president, who presides over the administrative state, is the recipient of Congress’s dysfunction and laziness. Under the Constitution, the president exists to carry out Congress’s mandates and to manage the government’s core functions (i.e., the military). A good president stays within his lane, but a progressive president uses Executive Orders to vastly exceed his power. And a leftist president uses the Deep State administrative agencies to pass legislation and function as a judiciary.

Image: Ron DeSantis. X screen grab.

In the last three and a half years, acting unilaterally through his Executive Orders and the administrative agencies,

  • Biden imposed draconian restrictions via COVID fearmongering, damaging the economy, forcing dangerous vaccines on unwilling federal employees, and weakening the military.
  • Biden savaged the economy with his attacks on oil and, indeed, is poised to declare a “climate emergency” to further those attacks. Meanwhile, Biden is also ravaging the car market and American liberty.
  • Biden destroyed the American border so that he could import tens of millions of illegal aliens to transform the American population immediately, forever, and without input from actual Americans.
  • Biden handed over $153 billion taxpayer dollars to student loan deadbeats (for whom I have no pity) and hopes to excuse over a trillion dollars in loans in total.

Each of these actions has had devastating effects on the economy, while his open border is destroying America by inches. All these mandates are drastic enough that they should have been the subject of legislation, with input from the people’s representatives.

You may have noticed, though, that I left one thing out, and that’s the way Biden abuses his power to attack reality itself. Although one could say that his attacks based on “climate change” are also based on denying reality, what I’m talking about here is Biden’s embrace of so-called “transgenderism.”

Since his first day in office, Biden has forced Americans to accommodate mentally ill, opportunistic, or sexually abnormal people who claim that they can be any sex they want or no particular sex at all. This is obvious and errant nonsense, but it’s being pushed as “truth” in our schools, our military, our government, and our workplaces.

One of the most hard-fought areas when it comes to the “transgender” ideology has been sports. While it’s undoubtedly true that a fat, 40-something man pretending to be a ballet dancer, ice skater, runner, or swimmer, is no competition for a fit young woman, the reality is that, for similarly situated people—young, fit, and trained—men will always be stronger and faster than women. Allowing men and boys into women’s and girl’s sports destroys women’s and girl’s ability to compete.

That reality hasn’t stopped the Biden administration’s Department of Education from creating new Title IX rules forcing all schools to pretend that a boy who claims to be a girl is a girl and allow him full access to girl’s spaces: restrooms, locker rooms, and competitive sports. It’s to be hoped that the pushback is instant and serious, which gets me to Ron DeSantis. DeSantis just issued a pitch-perfect, powerful, instant, and serious response to Biden’s plans:

Title IX was intended to ensure that women got a chance to participate in sports. Feminists have abused it from the beginning by shutting down or underfunding campus men’s sports to force parity with women’s sports, so perhaps there’s some serious karma going on here. Nevertheless, real girls and young women are going to get really damaged, so the time for pushback is sooner rather than later. Every governor who wants to get reelected should follow DeSantis’s lead and say, “We will not comply.”

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