NPR stands for National (white liberal) Radio

NPR has been getting a lot of exposure lately.  Yes, we've learned that the leadership is woke and the listeners very white, liberal white that is.  In fact, the audience is so white that NPR is going out of its way to get nonwhites to tune in.   

This is the story:

NPR’s leaders redoubled their efforts to diversify their audience and work force and closely tracked metrics for each. They added podcasts aimed at people of color and younger listeners. They promoted people of color to high-profile reporting and hosting jobs. All of these moves were meant to ensure the nation’s public radio network would remain competitive as the country’s population continued to grow more diverse.
So it came as a disappointment to some people on NPR’s board last fall when they were presented with new internal data showing their efforts hadn’t moved the needle much with Black and Hispanic podcast listeners.
And the needle won't move by simply having people with Hispanic surnames or accents reading the news.  Hispanics are smarter than that.  It's not about the reporter's surname but rather the network's obsession with race, victimhood, and identity politics.
Have you heard an abortion story on NPR from the perspective that a life is being aborted?  I have not.  It's always talking reproductive "rights," whatever that means.
Have you heard a story about the breakdown of the black family and its impact on the black on black crime?  Me, neither.
Instead, it's like the NPR staff thinks that we are living in the Jim Crow era rather than 2024.
So why aren't blacks and Hispanics listening?  Maybe it's because NPR is talking to a bunch of white liberals who don't know anyone who voted for Trump or Bush or Bush or Reagan or Ford or Nixon.
In the meantime, there is a crisis at NPR and no one has a clue inside the organization.
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