MUST-SEE VIDEO: Tim Klingenstein makes the case for Trump

I always know something is good when I get inundated with messages from friends telling me, “You must watch this.” Such is the case with Tom Klingenstein’s video, entitled “Trump’s Virtues Part II,” a follow-up piece to a video Klingenstein made a year ago. I’ll have both videos for you to view because they’re important.

You’ve probably noticed that this presidential campaign is, as was the case in 2016 and 2020, all about Trump. That’s kind of interesting because, given that Biden is the incumbent, Biden’s campaign should be all about Biden. The problem for the radical, progressive Democrats, though, is that Biden has nothing to campaign on.

The economy is a disaster, as working people watch their daily wages fail to keep up with the cost of living while retirees see their savings devalue by the minute. No amount of playing with numbers can hide that. Meanwhile, crime is soaring, especially in Democrat enclaves—and again, playing with numbers can’t hide that.

Biden also can’t explain away the open border, which is overwhelming traditional Democrat cities, depriving black communities of the benefits they thought they owned, drastically increasing fentanyl deaths, and helping to drive that crime wave. It turns out, too, that parents across the political spectrum really dislike Biden’s policy of introducing deviant sexual practices into K-12 schools.

Image: Trump hugs the American flag. YouTube screen grab.

On foreign policy, we’ve funded a stalemate war in Ukraine for two years, leaving the world trembling on the brink of WWIII. And the situation in the Middle East, thanks to Biden’s weak leadership and refusal to let Israel finish the job, also threatens WWIII now that Iran has decided to join in.

Lastly, let me just say “Ketanji Brown Jackson,” the woman who makes Sonia Sotomayor look smart. If the Democrats have four more years in the White House, she’ll be the doyenne of a troop of justices with her IQ and values.

If you cannot run on what you’ve done because you’ve made everything worse (something that goes not only for Biden but for every Democrat politician), all that you can do is demonize your opponent. It helps that Trump is easy to demonize because a lot of Republicans don’t like him either. Whether spontaneously or because they’ve been hypnotized by the media’s relentless drumbeat, they focus on Trump’s admittedly eccentric speaking style, his 1980s and 1990s playboy image, and the lawfare against him, all to justify refusing to give him their vote.

The media capitalizes on those conservatives who feel icky voting for Trump. On the one hand, they hide Biden’s bizarre obsession with sniffing and fondling children, the tens of millions he’s managed to funnel to his family by hauling his drug-addled son to collect carefully disguised bribes from America’s geopolitical enemies, and his blatant violation of national security laws (something Trump as president, meaning he’s above those laws, could not have done). On the other hand, they obsessively, and in defamatory fashion, describe Trump as a racist rapist.

And that’s where Klingenstein steps in. Last year, in an 18-minute video, he urged true conservatives to get past the media drumbeat and focus on the real Trump, a man of many virtues, not the least of which is his true love for America.

Now, Klingenstein is reiterating this message in a more abbreviated form, clocking in at only 8 minutes. And rather than merely pointing out Trump’s virtues, Klingenstein hammers home what Democrats have done to America in just three-and-a-half years:

This is a binary election. No matter how much you loved Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley, they’re not on the ballot.

RFK Jr. doesn’t count, either, because a vote for him simply siphons a vote away from the party candidate you would otherwise have voted for. If you’re a Democrat, that’s one less vote for Biden (advantage Trump); and if you’re a Republican, that’s one less vote for Trump (advantage Biden). The same analysis applies to those choosing to sit out the election entirely, whether it’s Muslims mad at Biden or Republicans who dislike Trump.

The only two people on the ballot are Trump and Biden, and if you don’t vote for Trump, you’ve voted for Biden and a dystopian American future.

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