Madonna’s Dallas concert goes all-in for Satan

Forty years after she attained pop star fame, Madonna is still packing stadiums. Once, she did this by selling sex. Now, she does it by selling Satanism. And no, she has not openly professed allegiance to the Prince of Darkness, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck… Of course, it’s not just Madonna. Both open and overt Satanism are the “in” thing in the entertainment industry.

It’s really not clear whether Madonna believes in anything at all. Mostly, one gets the sense that Madonna’s true god is…Madonna. Her evolution over the years has had less to do with spiritual searching and almost everything to do with maintaining her fame. She looks at the zeitgeist and decides how to profit from it.

Madonna, who is nobody’s fool, has clearly decided that today’s zeitgeist is Satanism. Although it is possible that the same woman who once professed to be a kabbalist—that is, a student of Jewish mysticism—isn’t just an opportunist but is, in fact, a Satanist:

And if you’re thinking it’s an exaggeration to say the above was Satanic, it’s important to note that the intro to that segment in her show was a Sam Smith/Kim Petras song called “Unholy.” That song makes no bones about its being an homage to Satan. The title is a giveaway, but it’s the video that really tells the tale. Incidentally, the video embedded below has had 238 million views on YouTube:

And just in case you didn’t get the message from the official video, here’s Sam Smith performing the same song at the 2023 Grammys, which were broadcast on network television:

Of course, Smith, a pudgy product of clever marketing, made his name being weird. Sure, it’s a catchy pop tune with evil lyrics, but he still represents the fringe, right? Wrong.

If you want to be totally blown away by what goes on in the entertainment and art worlds, I cannot recommend highly enough a website called The Vigilant Citizen, which tracks the actual and spiritual debauchery that is constantly pumped into Western culture. And while it’s true that, sometimes, the site seems to see Satanism where none exists and is obsessed with the Free Masons (along the lines of the principle that “to a hammer, everything is a nail”), 99% of the time, the anonymous writer brings the receipts showing that Satanism is the name of the game for mainstream artists.

Take the Vigilant Citizen’s exposé of the Satanism in Justin Timberlake’s newest video. After all, there’s no one more mainstream than Timberlake—and, as someone who’s kicked around for a while, no one who needs to maintain his relevance more by staying abreast of trends in the entertainment world.

The video, which was actually filmed in a mausoleum, is drenched in red light (Satan’s color), features extras playing demons, and has Timberlake’s date turn into Satan. There are blood rituals, dead bodies, and lost souls.

If you go through the Vigilant Citizen archive, you’ll see these themes—blood sacrifice, Satanic rituals, demons—played out over and over. And again, the writer brings the receipts.

It’s not just the music world that pushes Satanism. For six seasons, from 2016-2021, TV viewers were entertained by the show Lucifer. That show insists that, sure, Lucifer has daddy issues, but his real obsession is with “Truth.” While God is an arbitrary and capricious bully, Satan is the good guy whose rule over hell is simply to ensure that justice is done.

According to Zachary King, a former High Wizard in the Church of Satan who converted to Catholicism, none of the above is random or marginal. Entertainment’s biggest stars, he says, are Satanists. Of course, we have no way of knowing whether King is correct or has a monomania that causes him to see Satan everywhere, but the truth is that the people he names are not only famous but, with few exceptions, self-destructive to the point of madness. He also ties this in with the pedophilia that’s slowly being exposed as part of Hollywood’s warp and woof.

If you enjoy reading about old Hollywood, as I do, or love music from the first half of the Big Band era, you know that, behind the scenes, there was plenty of immoral behavior, such as sexual abuse, pedophilia, drugs, alcohol, orgies, LGBTQ+ madness. However, it was kept hidden from the public. Even as it roiled with debauchery behind the scenes, after the Catholic Church brought pressure to bear on it at the end of the 1930s, Hollywood and the music industry presented a wholesome front to the word, whether in the product itself (movies and songs) or in the publicity that industry representatives churned out. Now, though, the entertainment industries have dropped the front and are openly trying to entice their audience into Satanism.

Many people might say this is just a gimmick to gain audience attention in a jaded world or that modern Satanism is just atheism or even altruism in fancy dress. That’s not true. Satanism is what it’s always been, starting with Lucifer himself: An ideology hiding behind a beautiful face (for Lucifer was quite literally a star) that stands in direct opposition to the Biblical God. That God is the unique, transcendent creator of all we see, including biological men and women made in his image, and He imposes upon us a set of moral principles that raise humans above the animals He also created.

Satanism explodes all of that—and pairs perfectly with today’s leftism. As Logan Lancing and James Lindsay compellingly explain in The Queering of the American Child, Marxism isn’t an economic theory. Instead, it’s a religious cult that promises that, by breaking free of the limiting restraints found in the Bible’s ethical monotheism and biological reality, we can each become our own gods.

All of this means that, when Madonna goes to Dallas and includes an openly Satanic ritual in her show, it matters. It matters for you, for your children, for the Constitution, and for the American promise itself.

Image: Satan from the Jenský kodex (circa 1500). Photo by Janíček Zmilelý z Písku. Public domain.

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