Everything in the name of climate change

Years ago, Fidel Castro would often say everything we do is in the name of the revolution. It was his way of justifying stupid decisions such as destroying the private sector, expropriating private property, and shutting down newspapers. Everything was done in the name of the revolution.

Well, Fidel has a new disciple.  His name is Joe Biden, who apparently will do anything in the name of climate change.  The latest is electric trucks, those big machines who transport everything from coast to coast.

This is from the Wall Street Journal:

The Environmental Protection Agency chose Good Friday to roll out its burdensome electric truck mandate, no doubt so fewer people notice. Biden officials well know the damage they are doing, but the damage in the name of climate change is the point.

EPA’s new emissions standards for heavy-duty trucks will effectively require that electric semi-trucks make up an increasing share of manufacturer sales from 2027 through 2032, similar to its recent rule for passenger cars. The difference is that the truck mandate is even more costly and fanciful.

Costly? Remember, everything in the name of climate change.

As the article points out, the EPA will "require electric models to account for 60% of new urban delivery trucks and 25% of long-haul tractor sales by 2032."

Again, are we ready for such a remarkable mandate? 2032 is a lot closer than we may realize. Again, anything for climate change, even if the climate benefit is not obvious to everyone.

Do we have enough charging stations or batteries that can go a lot of miles? I don't know, but shouldn't we figure that out first?  We remind you that electric trucks go about 170 miles on a charge. They will require bigger and heavier batteries, which means they must carry lighter loads to avoid damaging roads.  

Once again, the ideologues are running the show, from the border to issuing a transgender proclamation on Easter Sunday.  Everything in the name of climate change, but no one has figured out that the Dallas-El Paso trip is 600 miles, or three charges.

I hope that President Trump can reverse this in the name of common sense.

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