Disinformation's 'Mary Poppins' is back, and boy, does she want payback

Always faintly ridiculous, Nina Jankowicz, the self-described "disinformation expert," TikTok enthusiast, Mary Poppins impersonator, and onetime Biden "disinformation czar" is back in action.

According to the Daily Wire:

The Biden administration’s former “disinformation czar,” ousted after an apparent attempt to create an Orwellian ministry of truth within the Department of Defense, has launched a new nonprofit that declares criticism of “disinformation researchers” such as herself as a chief threat to the United States of America.

“The campaign against counter-disinformation work is the greatest threat to freedom of expression and academic integrity since the McCarthy era,” Nina Jankowicz said in a press release, pledging that her group would not “allow it to continue.”

“Once researchers are free to conduct their essential work, the American people will gain a better understanding of the nature and severity of the disinformation threats we face,” she said. “Disinformation knows no political party. Its ultimate victim is our democracy.”

The group, the American Sunlight Project, was announced as a bipartisan advocacy organization founded by Jankowicz that was “launched to expose and oppose efforts to weaponize disinformation in the United States.”

Do you notice what this little think tank is really about? That's right, it's about her. Her mission number one is to justify herself and her disgusting lifework of censoring others in the name of "national security," as well as take down her opponents and critics. In this she implicitly admits that her industry has been discredited based on its own disinformation and partisan orientation, but by golly, she's going to make it, or more specifically, herself, respectable again in the eyes of mankind.

Censorship for the millions, you see, with her the lead censor.

That's convenient.

You can see what an idiot she is, having participated in the kind of censorship that pushed and promoted lies about COVID's origins, lies about COVID vaccines, lies about ivermectin, lies about Joe Biden's collusion with Russian, Ukrainian and Chinese oligarchs, lies about Hunter Biden's laptops, lies about the Steele dossier, lies about Trump's impeachment, and lies about January 6 under the rubric of fighting disinformation. People like Jankowitz ought not to be anywhere near the levers of power, but sure enough, they are around, even if their entire field is utterly discredited as the work of partisan hacks and bad ones who can't keep their lies hidden at that.

Which isn't surprising, actually. Recall this 'performance' of hers on TikTok which suggests a strikingly narcissistic, self-aggrandizing personality.



She couldn't let her firing go, so she got some goof to fund a think tank for her, being unhireable otherwise, and now she's claiming she's coming to get all those who discredited her and her bad behavior.

Naturally, she won't say whom:



What a loathesome character. Obviously, she's useful to someone who has money. Do not discount that news will eventually leak out that it's Joe Biden's federal government money, or Democrat National Committee money, given that they find this airhead a useful tool.

What a stupid picture. My money's on her operation being gone after Election Day.

Image: Screen shot from Twitter video.

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