Did Barack turn Biden against Israel?

Former president Barack Obama has never kept it secret as to whom he sides with in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  Obama’s palpable dislike for Israeli prime minister Bibi Netanyahu is also widely recognized.  That’s why it must have been challenging for Obama to appear alongside perceived Israel-supporter Joe Biden at a recent fundraiser that attracted Hamas protesters.

Obama, as well as the whole Democrat left’s treatment of Israel and its failure to condemn the current climate of anti-Semitism, smacks of unstated agreement that Israel is an oppressor that deserves what it got on October 7. 

In a November speech, Obama publicly condemned Hamas’s actions.  But somehow Obama always finds a way to elucidate his statements by insisting that additional clarification is needed on his part as to why women and children were mercilessly raped and hacked to death in their beds. 

Barack is adept at the tactic of accepting personal blame as a manipulative vehicle to point the finger at those he secretly considers the enemy.  Rather than condemn the perpetrators, whose slaughter included Holocaust victims, he acts as though he alone embodies the ultimate insight to steer the Middle East discussion toward fairness and truth.

Following the October terror attack, Obama said, “If you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth.  And you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree.”  And no one knows the “whole truth” about what justifies the blood on Hamas’s hands more than Barack Obama.  Why?  Because if anyone is complicit, it’s not “us”; it’s Obama. 

The former president’s public dislike for Netanyahu, the dissension he stirred up over Israeli settlements in the West Bank, his implicit defense of Islamic terrorism, and his undercover deal with Iran are what emboldens terrorist groups like Hamas.  Furthermore, it was Obama who agreed to release $150 billion in Iranian assets — not to mention a $1.7-billion cash payment to Iran in foreign currency, millions of dollars of which amounted to ransom used to leverage the release of four Americans held captive in Iran.  As a result of those actions, Iran has used Obama-sanctioned money to finance worldwide terrorism.  Then, in the middle of a war with Israel, Obama’s front man, Joe Biden, compounded the former president’s recklessness when he too unfroze billions in Iranian assets.

Is it possible that, despite all of his pontificating and supposed scholarly insight, Obama still hasn’t figured out that placating and enriching terrorist states leads to only more terrorism?  Or did he send pallets full of foreign currency to Iran because secretly, or not so secretly, Obama considers Israel the real tyrant?

Fast-forward to March 2024, and Obama, Clinton, and Clueless Joe are at a star-studded Democrat fund raiser held at Radio City Music Hall.  During the event, Gaza war protesters showed up outside as well as inside the music hall.  Always the relevant one, Obama attempted to subdue a dissenting activist’s comments by saying, “You can’t just talk and not listen. ... That’s what the other side does.”  That sort of sly rhetorical ploy is exactly how Obama exposes what he really believes and manages to extend sympathy (for Hamas) while tacitly insulting those he pretends to defend (Israel).  And he’s masterful at it.

Obama responded to the protester, saying, “It is possible for us to understand that it is possible to have moral clarity and have deeply held beliefs, but still recognize that the world is complicated, and it is hard to solve these problems.”  Translation:  I believe that your side possesses moral clarity, but because of Israel’s insistence on responding to October 7, right now it is “hard to solve” this complicated problem.

One week after that interaction, Bumbling Joe Biden, who couldn’t find his way to the changing station in the woman’s restroom if his adult diaper depended upon it, all of a sudden comes out with two strong statements warning Israel of a “sharp shift in his policy over the Gaza war.”  Unexpectedly, self-proclaimed Zionist Joe Biden became frustrated with the guy he bear-hugged on his recent trip to Israel.  Coincidentally, that guy is the same guy Obama left sitting alone in a White House meeting room because he wouldn’t conform to Obama’s demand to immediately halt new settlement construction in east Jerusalem.

While the war in the Ukraine rages on, sounding more like she was chiding Joe for sniffing a baby, even Dr. Jill voiced her opinion concerning civilian casualties in Gaza when she allegedly instructed Joe to “Stop it, stop it now.”  Don’t Barack and Mr. and Mrs. Biden know that dead civilians are an unfortunate casualty of war?

This week, while reading off colored cue cards in a “listen, man” telephone call to Netanyahu, tough talking Biden purportedly lowered the boom on Bibi by making it “clear that US policy with respect to Gaza will be determined by [America’s] assessment of Israel’s immediate action” to curtail killing civilians and U.S. aid workers.  During that call, Biden informed the Israeli prime minister that the U.S. “ will no longer support Israel” if he doesn’t comply.  Are Americans supposed to accept that it’s Joe who made U.S. aid to Israel contingent on Israel ceasing strikes on Gaza?  Or Joe who cooked up the idea to order U.S. air drops of aid into Gaza, as well as allowing a “UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire”?

Once again, what is patently clear here is that the Israel-hating charlatan who enthusiastically followed Joe Biden down the steps of Air Force One and guided him to the motorcade last week is the one who believes that giving billions to Iran to fund state terrorism is somehow justified, as is chastising Israel for civilian casualties that occur while fighting a war it didn’t start.

Jeannie hosts a blog at www.jeannieology.us.

<p><em>Image: Gage Skidmore via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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