WaPo points the finger in the wrong direction: at Israel

In the Washington Post article “Dinners attracted ire before fostering insight” (3/19/24), readers can gain insight about the author by reading his explanation of the Israel-Gaza conflict.

The ”humanitarian crisis” wasn’t “created by Israel’s ongoing military campaign in Gaza.”  That couldn’t be farther from the truth.  Is the Post, along with the Gaza Health Ministry (which counts zero Hamas combatants killed in its casualty count), just another mouthpiece of Hamas?

Hamas started this war, committing a barbaric massacre against Israel, and now holds Israelis and Americans hostage, refusing to this day to release them.

Hamas refuses to surrender, which would end the Gazans’ plight immediately.  Hamas soldiers often wear no uniforms and shoot from among and behind civilians — putting Gazan civilians in harm’s way on purpose.

All Gazan casualties are horrendous and 100% are due to Hamas’s ongoing war against Israel.  Yes, they are scoring propaganda and political points.  That’s exactly what they want, and Post articles like this reward them.

The “humanitarian crisis” wasn’t “created by Israel’s ongoing military campaign in Gaza.”  It was created by Hamas’s ongoing military fight against Israel.

Hamas — release the hostages, surrender, end the humanitarian crisis in Gaza!  Washington Post — tell your readers the truth.

Dr. Michael Berenhaus is a freelance activist who works to combat anti-Israel bias in the media.  He has been widely published in news sources such as The Economist, The New York Times, and The Washington Post.

Image: Daniel X. O'Neil via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

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