Trump is a threat to Democrats, not democracy

There you go again with all of the talk about Trump turning into a dictator.

In fact, what the Democrats are worried about is that the former President is blowing up some of their alliances. Once upon a time, Democrats woke up on election day with the vote of non-whites in their pockets.

That was then and this is now, as Ruy Teixeira wrote:

According to the just-released New York Times/Siena poll, Biden is actually doing worse among the nonwhite working class, carrying them by a mere six points, than among white college graduates, where he enjoys a 15 point advantage over Trump. Amazing. There is perhaps no better illustration of the Democrats’ transformation into a Brahmin Left party, beloved by the educated but increasingly viewed with suspicion by the working classes of all races.

It's a fascinating change happening in front of our eyes. It looks like the Democrats are engaging in conflicting concerns.

In one corner, the self-appointed smart ones are talking about climate change, gender equity and reproductive rights, but the talk on the other side of the room is about paying their electricity rates or losing their jobs at the South Texas refinery if we go green.

The left corner probably thinks that patriotism is toxic masculinity but the other corner displays their uniforms or show the flag with the upmost pride. In one corner, they listen to NPR, and in the other, talk radio.

Who saw this coming? Trump did when he spoke to the workers in the Midwest who lost a job when the plant left the country.

So get ready for lots of talk about Trump the threat to democracy. Actually, he is turning out to be a threat to the Democrats. They know it and are in full panic.

P.S.: Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.

Image: Michael Gastner, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY 2.0 DEED

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