The Biden administration is trying to topple Netanyahu’s government

Biden has never made a secret of his hatred for Bibi Netanyahu (and it’s easy to see why a stupid, draft-dodging man would hate an intelligent, accomplished warrior). Still, he’s now taking that hatred to new levels as he actively works to interfere in Israeli politics. For decades, leftists told us that it was morally wrong to try to affect a nation’s internal politics, but that doesn’t apply when the nation is a liberal democratic ally…and the world’s only Jewish state.

The New York Intelligencer reported on sources saying that Biden intends to overthrow Netanyahu, the democratically elected leader of a U.S. ally (emphasis mine):

Weeks before “uncommitted” voters sent a message to Joe Biden that he needs to bring an end to Israel’s war in Gaza or risk losing reelection, the president had evidently decided — to borrow another American neologism — to consciously uncouple from Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s recalcitrant prime minister.

In the past month, he has, through a series of relatively quiet but closely linked and deliberate moves, sought to marginalize Bibi, as Netanyahu is ubiquitously known, internationally and at home. The change spilled out publicly on Thursday night following the State of the Union address, when Biden announced he ordered the U.S. military to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza via a sea pier. After the speech, Biden was stopped by Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado, who told him to “keep pushing” Israel’s leader. Smiling, Biden said, “I told him, ‘Bibi,’— don’t repeat this— ‘you & I are going to have a come to Jesus moment.” Hidden behind Secretary of State Antony Blinken, a presidential aide whispered, “Sir, you’re on a hot mic,” to which a buoyant Biden replied, “I’m on a hot mic here. Good. That’s good.”


One Israeli expert frequently consulted by American officials says, “I have been asked by a serious administration figure what it is that will force the Netanyahu coalition to collapse. They were interested in the mechanics, what can we demand which will collapse his coalition.”

The same essay notes that Biden is undermining Netanyahu with his pier-building plan and the Gaza supply airdrops. As I have pointed out (and currently seem to be the only one saying), the pier effectively forces a ceasefire on Israel. That’s because Gaza is so small, Israel cannot risk an errant rocket hitting American troops anchored off of Gaza’s coast.

Leftists used to hate it when America interfered in the internal politics of another nation, especially nations that were hostile to America. Now, though, it’s a good thing because Israel is the left’s enemy. Israel is the only nation in the entire Middle East that has full civil rights for all residents, regardless of race, creed, sex, “gender identity,” or country of national origin—and it is the country the left hates most of all. The obvious reason is that this is because Israel sided with America during the Soviet-era Cold War.

It's deeper than that, though. Leftists despise Western culture and, as always, the enemy of their enemy is their friend. If you hate the West, you must love the Islamists who loudly and with firepower threaten the West. Because the Islamists hate Israel, so do the leftists. And Israel, of course, is the ultimate Western nation, despite its Middle Eastern location.

That’s because Israel is the home of the ideology that underlies all Western culture: The Bible, both its Old and New Testaments. Worse, the Jewish nation ostentatiously believes in that Bible, grounding its rights to the land and its values in the God-given and archaeologically confirmed history of the Torah.

Three smart tweets, one from Noah Pollak (with a little added commentary from me) and the other two from Mark Levin, sum up what Biden’s policies toward Israel and its duly elected Prime Minister reveal:

From the mid-1930s until WWII, one of the most popular national radio broadcasters in America was Father Charles Coughlin. In addition to Catholic doctrine, Coughlin’s real subject was Nazi-esque antisemitism:

On Father Coughlin’s nationwide radio show, which ran from 1926-1940, he was a fearsome demagogue: parroting Nazi propaganda, telling his listeners that “international bankers” and “Jewish Communists” were plotting their demise, stating that the Jews deserved what happened to them at Kristallnacht, and encouraging the growth of the Christian Front, a pro-Nazi Christian militia that plotted to overthrow the U.S. government by attacking prominent Jews.

Based on no evidence whatsoever, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Joe’s family members were Coughlin fans, an antipathy Joe has transmuted into his communist-driven Jew-hatred. Certainly, to the extent Biden has Jews in his administration (most notably Antony Blinken), he surrounds himself only with those leftist Jews who hate Jewish values and the Jewish nation as much as he does.

Image based on a YouTube screen grab.

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