The anti-Israel Jews

As repulsive as Jonathan Glazer was to disavow Israel and Judaism at the Oscars, the worst part is that he’s far from alone.

At Sunday’s Oscars, Jonathan Glazer, who directed a movie about the Holocaust, used his moment to reject Jewishness and Israel. While his statement was widely noted, the fact is that he wasn’t unique when it comes to anti-Israel Jews in America.

Glazer’s statement was simple and ugly:

Right now we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people, whether the victims of October the 7th in Israel or the ongoing attack on Gaza.

The utter craziness of this statement requires translation. What he means is that Jews are subhumans who are not allowed to defend themselves. Glazer is on board with Hamas’s declaration that it will attack Israel “again and again” until it is gone. Fully 75% of Palestinians backed the massacre of Jews in October last year! Every day Palestinians were complicit in all aspects of the death, raping, and hostage-taking. It takes a leftist to give a pass to someone who has already killed many in your family but says he wants to finish the job. Glazer is one of many Jews who can’t seem to understand the ramifications of his words. God forgive him.

In 2021, a Jewish Electorate Institute poll found that 58% of American Jewish voters support restrictions on US military aid to prevent Israel from using it to expand West Bank settlements. A Gallup survey in 2021 found that, for the first time, more Democrats were sympathetic to the Palestinians than the Israelis by a margin of 11%. 74% of American Jews approve of Biden’s handling of the war going on in Israel.

Image: YouTube screen grab.

There appears to be a thread that ties these results to the opinions of a few well-placed and well-funded Jews and Jewish groups. These are America’s anti-Jews, who shower faint praise on Israel while effectively working against its continued existence. Some of the more influential Jewish players are Steven Spielberg, Jake Tapper, Chuck Todd, and hundreds of other Jewish opinion makers, many with very public personas who influence the debate that somehow the central thesis that gives Israel its legitimacy is false.

Steven Spielberg’s approach to his Jewishness is illuminating. He once said he was embarrassed by standing out in childhood as an Orthodox Jew, could barely bring himself to acknowledge what happened in Israel on October 7. He finally issued a low-key statement two months after the attack. However, what he does ostentatiously is donate vast sums to leftist causes, including the Clintons, Biden, the Democratic Party, gay rights, etc. When it comes to Jews, his donations are limited to Holocaust projects. Israel doesn’t figure into his giving. Are the only good Jews dead Jews if you’re Steven Spielberg?

The fact is that affirming the existence of the modern state of Israel (a continuation of the ancient nation and a recognition of the Jews’ continuous, 4,000-year-long tie to the land), gained urgency after World War II. Even though a majority of his cabinet objected, President Truman recognized this, recognizing the reborn nation eleven minutes after it declared statehood. Since then, though, America’s continued support of Israel has been much more style over substance, with several American presidents trying to keep a lid on Middle East politics at Israel’s expense. Israel has never had unqualified support from the Deep State.

Democrat-voting American Jews, however, have become like American presidents, paying lip service to Israel but forgetting the work that is needed to maintain a nation surrounded by millions of people who seek its residents’ total extinction. They have forgotten what Hillel asked over 2,000 years ago: “If I am not for myself, who will be? … If I am only for myself, what am I?”

Jews are some of the most socially involved individuals anywhere. Jewish philanthropy is legendary, and Jews highly overrepresented in their giving. There are hundreds of notable Jews who work as journalists and commentators. Jews are highly overrepresented in almost all walks of life, from medicine to the arts, to business, to government.

Unfortunately, American Jewish politics have leaned left, focusing on righting perceived wrongs here and abroad. They fear Christians and, therefore, side with anyone who is not a traditional Christian. This has created a blindspot that is reflexive and too often misplaced, allowing them to reflexively support people and policies that are antithetical to the ideals of freedom, prosperity, and individualism…and to Jews.

Leftists have also played on the Jewish tendency to side with victims, something reasonable given the Jews have been victimized in the West for two thousand years. By painting the people of Gaza and the West Bank as victims, American Jews have turned away from their own people, the one these Arab Muslim victims ferociously kill.

When will we realize and take the necessary action to reverse the current craziness that threatens to overwhelm sane individuals and our legal and social essence?

God Bless America.

Allan J. Feifer is an author, businessman, thinker, and strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at

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