Some china shops deserve to have bulls

Were Donald J. Trump to not actually exist… we’d have to invent him.  The corruption and malfeasance of the American political establishment have brought consequences that have been accumulating for years.  In other words: things keep getting worse.

A particularly conspicuous example remains the horde of drug-addled squatters despoiling our landscape.  All the political establishment can think of is to throw more and more taxpayer money at this problem—in order to provide basic support services for these bums.  Guess what?  Accommodating the needs of idle vagrants encourages more of them to fester in our cities and suburbs.

Mr. Trump is not a politician, and is thus not infected by the idiotic group-think that has spawned the culture of willful incompetence that controls the bulk of bureaucrats and elected office-holders who populate our government.  It is somewhat phenomenal that he even bothered to get involved with turning this disaster around.  Not only was he a fairly comfortable self-made billionaire, but he must have had some inkling as to the extreme measures his newly-acquired enemies would apply to dissuading him from trying.  And, yet, he still tries.

His popularity is the result of only one thing—a majority of the American people are sick and tired of our government screwing us for no good reason.  The stupid emanations won’t stop.  Biden continues with the moronic utterance that price inflation is the result of corporate greed—and not over-the-top deficit spending.  The word competition is not in his/their vocabulary.

And, also because he’s not a politician, Trump avoids the phony politeness that others use to distract from their evil intentions.  Dodger manager of yesteryear, Leo Durocher, famously said that “Nice guys finish last.”  A little more recently, football coaching legend Vince Lombardi said that “Winning isn’t the most important thing… it’s the only thing.”  Point being, there is way too much at stake right now to obsess over appearances at the expense of substance.

It is pretty likely that Trump will be re-elected—because of his strengths and because of Biden’s weaknesses… both mental and political.  The Democrat henchmen know this, and are gearing up for an epic struggle.

One oddity in all of this is the reaction to Alabama senator Katie Britt’s rebuttal to Biden’s SOTU speech.  I wasn’t expecting to watch it.  I tuned in to BBC/USA via my local PBS station—because, although there’s a lefty bias, they have much more detailed coverage of stuff all around the world than my other broadcast sources.  But, instead of covering the Hamas-provoked mayhem in Gaza, they re-broadcast Senator Britt’s statement.  I was awed, and applauded when she finished.  “A star was born” I thought.  But even conservative commentators are sticking knives in her back over this.  Why?  The AOL home page blames her for using an example of Mexican cartel child abuse that dated back to the George W. Bush administration—and for something that happened in Mexico, not the U.S.A.  It still happened, and it well describes the nature of the criminals who Biden is allowing into our midst. Though it’s not at all flattering, she’s still getting a lot of free ink over this… much more than the usual SOTU rebutter.

Meanwhile, the most neglected topic has to do with finding the next Trump.  Once elected, he becomes a lame duck.  Not being a politician, the damage will be slight… but still relevant.  Most of the applicants for the job are also (ahem) politicians.  Some are pretty good, but apple carts still need to be upset and china shops need to be bull-dozed.

I’m not going to mention any names… it’s still too early.  But, suffice to say that toughness is more important than ideological purity.  Within toughness should be found a willingness to slaughter the sacred cows of progressive dogma… or else the struggle will continue ad infinitum.

Image: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

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