Scream of ages

Well, what do you say after all of that screaming in front of Congress? Did he get any sleep after screaming at everyone for an hour or so?

Like many of us, I've seen a lot of these. I remember President Reagan and "the new federalism," those long exhausting speeches by President Clinton, then there was President George W. Bush trying to talk about Social Security and President Trump talking about the economy only to get blindsided by COVID a month later.

Yes, I remember a lot of them, but all that screaming was disturbing and a clear sign that these guys are in panic.

Maybe the best analysis so far comes from Ben Domenech, a serious guy as far I can tell. This is what he wrote:

It is without question the most divisive, vindictive and downright vile expression of American partisanship ever given from that honored stage. It marks a legacy-defining moment eradicating forever the idea of Biden as the deal maker, defender of norms and champion of some vague idea of bipartisan unity -- this was Biden unhinged, spewing invective at half the country. He lied about them. He called them racists and bigots. And he used the most prominent speech he will give this year to promise even more division and vengeance against his foes.

Biden even went so far as to attack, to their faces, the Supreme Court that has endured assassination attempts, harassment of their families and near constant illegal protests at their homes in recent years

Where did they find whatever they gave him? Do you need a prescription? What border did it cross? Who determined what dosage to inject him? That was scary!

The bad news is that it was awful despite all those Democrats cheering him on cue. By the way, do you find those women dressed in white as silly as I do? They are making First Communion outfits look bad. What oppression are they against?

The good news is that the scream of ages won't move the needle. Someone will tell us about an instant poll showing support but this speech fell flat.

Back when there was a TV commercial about “there is something about an Aqua Velva man.” There is also something about a screaming 80-year-old and it doesn't smell good.

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Image: Gage Skidmore

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