Joe Biden: inventing new ways to kill Americans

The Great Biden Hamas Airdrop is not off to an auspicious beginning. The problem is cargo planes must fly low and slow for such missions, and even then, they can’t drop their cargo with any real precision. Flying that mission profile, they’re vulnerable to shoulder-fired missiles and ground fire. Fly high enough to be reasonably safe, and well…

At least five people were killed and 10 others injured when airdropped aid packages fell on them in the Al Shati camp west of Gaza City, according to a journalist on the scene. [skip]

In a video obtained by CNN on Friday, an airdrop goes wrong when the parachute on a pallet malfunctions. The pallet and its contents can be seen falling at a high speed towards a residential building near the Fairoz Towers in western Gaza.

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As the aid races towards the ground, free-falling bags are also seen coming apart in a shower of debris, and later seen and heard impacting the ground with audible loud thuds.

While most of the other parachutes appear to have deployed properly, the pallets are still falling at a potentially dangerous speed, which could have made it difficult for anyone to get out of its way as it touched down on the ground.


Thus do we see the inevitable result of good intentions—I’m being very generous—without knowledge, experience, or the willingness to listen to those that possess both. Joe Biden, President of the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration (MMPA), at his recent State of the Union teleprompter slurring, announced our military will now be tasked to build a “port” in Gaza to allow cargo ships to offload supplies. To our deadly enemy, the enemy of civilization, a proxy of Iran, monsters who are at this moment holding Americans hostage and will not confirm if they are dead or alive. We are also assured there will be “no boots on the ground.” Apparently, our troops can walk on water, or perhaps there are previously undisclosed, top secret personal jet packs that will allow them to hover over ground as they build this “port.”

Why now? Why a port? Did the MMPA suddenly realize what a public relations disaster bombing Gazans with pallets full of Meals Ready to Eat (MRE) is? Did military members forced to subsist on MREs inform the MMPA giving MREs to civilians could be considered an act of war? Or has the MMPA now decided it’s time to starve the Israelis, our ally, of what they need to win? Has the MMPA now fully, or nearly so, changed sides? Whatever the reasons, this is extraordinarily stupid, even for the MMPA:

*What ally is going to believe anything America says in the future? Who will believe America will not betray them as the MMPA is betraying Israel?

*Our ships, many of them unarmed cargo ships, will be sitting ducks for the weapons Iran supplies to Hamas and our numerous other proxy enemies in the area.

*Our troops will be sitting ducks, even in warships too close to shore to allow sufficient standoff time for defensive weapons.

*The idea a port can be built in Gaza, during an active war, without innumerable American troops on enemy soil is idiotic. Hundreds, at the least, will be required, and thousands will be in support, constantly moving supplies, building materials and providing security, all while directly exposed to enemy fire of all kinds.

*Even if it were possible to safely build a port, what private company will risk their ships to service it even with American naval escort?  

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We are going to lose American lives, in the hundreds if not thousands. We’ll lose ships in a Navy already far too small and shrinking, and for what? To provide Hama with more and better supplies they’ll steal to continue their genocidal jihad against Israel and western civilization? To give civilization’s enemies the means to continue to wage war against Israel, to prolong the conflict they started and swear to continue until they kill every Jew? The MMPA does this knowing even more Gazans will die the longer the war drags on. They do this to protect our enemies even as they destroy the American economy and throw our borders open, damaging our national security and personal safety. How can this be?

These are people who think themselves morally and intellectually superior. Their policies are unfalsifiable; they cannot possibly be wrong. There is no evidence that can prove them wrong, so they do not bother to listen to any. They create their own reality and try to force others to live in and praise it, praise their superior morality and unfathomable wisdom.

American servicemen and women, in a military few are willing to join, will die, and the light of civilization will dim more every day to feed medieval savages.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor.

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