Gefälscht: the Dems are losing their leftist base

I well remember when a youngish (26-ish) friend of mine told me, ecstatically, “I was just on a conference call with Barack Obama.” (This was during Obama’s first race for president.) Upon query, she said there were “thousands” on the call. I thought this ridiculous—a conference call for thousands? (I didn’t realize then that Obama would do all of the talking.) It was a little sad: those poor “kids” really thought Obama (youngish too, even for a first race)  gave one tiny damn about them—all “thousands.”

Well times change… and plus ça change, as well.

Blue Collar Joe appeared in New York last night at a “first of its kind” Democrat fundraiser; here are the details, via NBC:

In an interview, Biden Victory Fund national finance chair Chris Korge laid out specifics of the March 28 soiree at Radio City Music Hall in New York featuring President Joe Biden and former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

Korge said Condé Nast Editorial Director Anna Wintour is among those who have handled some of the behind-the-scenes planning. Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison, Biden campaign fundraisers Michael Pratt and Colleen Coffey and Biden campaign finance chair Rufus Gifford have all been instrumental, he said.

The trio raked in $25 million, but couldn’t catch a break: pro-Palestinian rioters descended upon the environs of the ritzy, “to-be-envied” event—for a good old shout-out to terrorism.

We can bet the coverage hurt our elderly pols of the liberal persuasion.

Meanwhile, President Trump was in town as well, on a far different errand. He was attending the sad ceremonies for a slain NYC policeman, a young family man. The media couldn’t completely ignore the difference between Trump’s appearance and that of “the three stooges”:

Trump’s team took issue with the Democrats’ remarks and noted that Biden has faced splintering on the left with voters who backed ‘uncommitted’ on the ballot in Michigan. The uncommitted represented a protest vote for Biden’s handling of the Israel-Gaza war.

‘It’s no surprise the three Democrat stooges who have brought untold destruction to America are united by that misery,’ Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said. ‘President Trump and Republicans are firmly united in the fight to beat Crooked Joe Biden.’

Have our esteemed Democrat presidential figureheads lost the plot? Not really—the plot itself has lost them. They need to, in future, beware the fury of many wronged radicals.

Biden’s intolerable, fumbling reversal of his so-called commitment to the war against Hamas, was seemingly meant to court the Democrat left. (Some say though, this is just how Biden does things—one step “forward,” three more backward.)  Yet, this “strategy” has not worked for him. Is he electable this year (if he ever was)?

And it gets more interesting. This past week, the inimitable RFK, Jr. (truly revealing the radical stripes of his father) announced his VP candidate for the 2024 race—an uber-rich, very left female from, yes, California. Oh, dear. Off this news bat, the DNC held an “emergency meeting”—now for starters, that’s not a good look for the DNC but the media grabbed onto it anyway.

So, whither now, for the likes of the three stooges? Focus groups, perhaps? Or maybe Biden can take another leaf (one of gazillions) from Obama’s wearisome instructions, and hold a conference call “repeat” with the “youth”? Maybe Mr. Biden can call upon his million(s) of 2020 voters to put him on their speaker phones?

But wait, maybe not… nobody on staff would have a clue what Biden might start hollering into the mic. And who would show for the call? I mean, would it be like the Biden rallies?

Image: Public domain.

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